Title: Be Happy, Baby (Chapter 20)
Author: samberrie (itsa me)
Pairing: George/Ringo for this chapter
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Naughty language, crude humor, sexual mentioning’s, homophobic undertones, mo’ angst
Time Frame: Second American Tour, 1965.
Summary: In this chapter, Ringo’s food is delicious. lol wut.
Disclaimer!: I own no Beatles. None of
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Why does the reporter's name seem so familiar to me? I can't figure it out... It's reminding me of something.
Hmm, I have no idea. If there happens to be a Frank A. Gueterra present on the Beatles-Timeline, I apologize to you sir!
My next slash fiction will deal with slight emotionally/mentally/and even physically traumatic undertones, which is something I'm pretty excited about. So that'll be like my ultimate venting and release of all that is deliciously psychological hahah.
I see. I tried to come up with an uncommon name anyways, though here in silly Utah I was ultimately influenced by Hispanic thoughts and went with Gueterra which is a pretty common last name. #-_-
Haha well I live in California, so yeah, that's a pretty common name here too. xD
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