So, long time, no write and all that.
I'm starting (yet again, for the Nth time) to write a computer game. Its something I do periodically, but I never finish. I'm too much of a team based worker to get anything done on my own. Hopefully this one will be different, cause its way simple. My natural inclination when designing games and stuff is to make them too complex, with layers and layers and details and systems and so on, so this time I'm making a concerted effort to keep it simple.
The idea? I'm going to assume most of you know of the game Civilisation. For those of you who don't, its one of the most important computer games ever (as in 'biggest impact on computer game-dom). You play as the controller of a civilisation (romans, americans, english....) starting out at 2000BC, and guiding them until ~2050AD or so, building cities and armies and making war and developing technologies from the wheel to the internet and dealing with unhappy populaces and stuff. Its usually played solo against the computer, although you can play it multiplayer as well. A full game from beginning to end takes a good 4-5 hour of actual play time, minimum.
Well, my game is going to be all of that, only playable in about 5- minutes. Plus humour.
At the moment, I don't have much more than a rotatable sphere on the screen that you can click on to build 'cities'. I'll tell more when there is more to tell.
Oh yeah, and I'm fasting from painting miniatures for 40 days (17 days to go I think). No painting. And I've got my
Avatar of Menoth (warning, bunch of data at that link) sitting on my painting table waiting to be finished. I've done a massive (for me) conversion project on it, and its an absolutely gorgeous model, so its not easy waiting to be able to paint it.
And the day after the fast ends I'm entering a tournament that I'd really like to have it painted up for.