Mar 14, 2008 15:37
sometimes i wonder what happened to my productivity/motivation. after another week of ass-kicking i finally got to sleep in today. of course, staying in bed for a long time doesnt help get things done, but i'm now on my 3rd load of laundry so that counts for something...i hope. my huge paper that was originally due this coming monday was pushed back a week so now i theoretically dont have as much to do this weekend. however, tom scares me so i think i will spend my weekend reading articles/outlining so i actually get a good grade on the paper. i also need to do a 2-3 page paper to make up for the field seminar i missed when my uncle died. it shouldnt be so bad. i just need to write it. the really important thing i havent done yet that i really need to start is making my list of where to (re)apply for doctoral programs. perhaps i should wait until after i see dr. kennedy and get her take on it. i am sooooooooo excited to see her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know if people at other schools formed close relationships with profs, and perhaps it was just that i spent way too much time in the psyc dept, but i really miss seeing her, and the rest of the faculty and Flo, every day. not that i want to go back to denison or anything...but i miss a lot of the people...esp. my friends and awesome profs. i think part of it is that while i was there, there were faculty that were really interested in the career path after denison and were supportive of my goals. here, friends care, but i dont really think the faculty cares for the most part. some do and theyre awesome...but most people are ambivalent. i dont even think i could get letters of recommendation from them b/c they dont really know me. i guess i could get one from kitty, but shes not a professor, just my incredibly awesome field supervisor.
ok so now that youve all stopped reading as i whine about my inability to have a life plan, its time for the super cool news of the week. on wednesday kitty double booked her 11am appointment time b/c one of her clients pretty much never shows up. well guess what..he did this week. so she came in and asked me if i was busy, which i wasnt, and had me see one of her clients (not the notorious no-show as he is a handful). so for the first time, i conducted an individual therapy session without someone who has done it before in the room! it went soooooo well! not to say that it was a life-changing experience for the i think the biggest thing for me was that i wasnt really nervous. i had been internally freaking out the last time i sat in with kitty with a client and i wasnt even doing anything. i was just so intimidated by trying to connect with someone who had done so much with her life before i was even born. so i think the lessening of anxiety is a good thing and im glad that i have that first one under my belt. im still kinda terrified about therapy with kids, but i think i'll be ok and i dont think kitty would let me do it if she didnt think i was ready.
well thats all for now. unless you want to come clean my apt., do my laundry, and write my papers for me...then i would write an awesome entry about how much i love you.