Apr 16, 2013 01:00
It was a tense day - I had posted on my cousins' Facebook pages, asking if they were okay. I didn't call because I heard on the news that they had shut down the cell phone network to ensure that no cell phones were used to detonate more bombs. When I hadn't heard by late afternoon, I finally called my Aunt in South Carolina to see if she had heard from her children. When she answered, she reminded me that they were all in the Florida Keys for Spring Break - her and my Uncle, and my cousins and their whole families. *facepalm* They flew out yesterday, so they were safe and sound.
I have a pounding headache tonight, most likely from the combination of stress and having my eyes glued to computer screens all day. When my laptop quit streaming, I switched over to the iPad, which also kept crashing but booted up again much more quickly.
I did the same thing after 9-11. A lot of people were saying how they couldn't watch t.v. after the first day because they couldn't stand to see the image of the towers coming down over and over. But I find myself wanting to be there when everything unfolds, to hear the 1st hand accounts, to scour the news footage for details. I don't know if that is out of some kind of desire to make it manageable or what. There was a guy right near the blast, an older runner, that when the 1st bomb went off, he just crumpled - his legs went out from under him and down he went. The footage kept panning away from him, and I kept thinking "I want to know what happened to that guy!" Finally, several hours into the coverage, they did an interview with him! He was fine, thank heavens. The way he went down I couldn't tell if he had been hit by shrapnel, or if it was the blast wave that knocked him down. But there he was, and apparently came away with just a few scratches. I needed to know that.
My gut feeling, and this is based on nothing but wild speculation, is that it is another Oklahoma City. That this won't be a foreign organization, but one lone wacko that was home grown. These were IED explosives, and anyone could have made them. The fact that they found several more that were planted and didn't go off makes me think this was an amateur. But I'm sure we'll find out more in the days and weeks to follow.
I have an dentist appointment tomorrow morning, but I'm sure when I get home from that, I'll be glued to the internet again. I downloaded an App from a local Boston news station, so I have been watching their live feed to get news from the source. I just have to tear myself away from the screen long enough to go donate blood before class tomorrow night. In an example of irony, I had made an appointment to donate at my night school's blood drive last week. So even though Boston doesn't actually need the blood right now, LA does, and it makes me feel like I am doing *something* at least.
Agh. Must take painkillers and sleep. I hope I don't dream of this.