The Big List of Ideas

Mar 23, 2009 01:00

Okay, this is for jumpcitynexus purposes. If you're confused about what's going on, but you want to read, go ahead! We're encouraging new players to come in if they're interested in the Teen Titan characters.

BUT. The thing is, this is going to be a private community, serving its purpose to use our old muses from the past community, so I'm shooting for minimal activity. The only requirement is checking logs and make sure you know what's going on, reply when you can, and go on with your day. The idea is to make sure everyone can get a chance to jump in if they want to. I'm hoping it can pick up in activity in the summer, or when we get more free time on our hands, but for now, we're aiming for a casual pace.

This? This is an idea of ideas, and what the rules and applications would look like if we go through with this. Please give input if you're interested or you know you can participate. If you can't participate, but you want to throw in advice in case you do get the time, we want to hear from you, too.

In other words:


Potential Plots
A. The characters are older. They're still in Jump City. The premise hasn't been figured out yet. Considering AU versions of previous Titan characters, such as Raptor (raptorscribe) signing up for a Duela that never left Jump City.

• Pros: Familiar setting. An easy city to find a reference for what it looks like. Easier coherent home base. Makes sense, since most of the characters are from Jump City. There could always just be a portal like what existed in JCN, for Nexus characters to come in.
• Cons: Same old, same old. Still connected to the Nexus-verse.

B. The characters might be older. They're not in Jump City, though. They're thrown into a different city/universe altogether. The premise, with a fake name: The City of Axiom! A Multiversal metropolis that's still growing! And we mean that literally! Individuals caught in the time stream are "rescued" by the Dimensional Guard, and given sanctuary in the city's population. Thrown out of time, these wayward individuals have no choice but to make their home in a world that's unlike their own. Still not done with this one; it's still being written up, but that's the general idea! Also has the same idea for AU versions of JCN characters, if you need them.

• Pros: Give us more freedom, allow for easier transition for TT characters that weren't at JCN. Creativity for different locations and villainous plots. New setting may be more likely to get people for it. Teen Titans characters are harder to come by.
• Cons: The "characters are torn out of homes and thrown into a different city" is a very common plot device. Might go against the intention of shooting for primarily Titan characters.

C. The characters are older. Still in Jump City. But, a premise: "A cosmic villain, maybe Trigon, undoes something, reality wise, and... things change. But the characters remember everything that happened to them. But the reality they were in? Not the one they were left in. If reality fixes itself, and some characters reappear? They may not be as they were originally; i.e. explaining how we could have a Robin or Slade that isn't our old ones."

• Pros: Something new. Could explain new characters for new players who don't understand the Nexus and how it works.
• Cons: Too complicated.

Just because it's a private community doesn't mean it doesn't need rules!

★ For now, this community's only open to the handful of us. If we get more time and this place is still running, let's try and invite other people to get involved!

★ NO. WANK. Whatsoever. I'm serious about this one. If you have a problem with the game, or a player and their character, talk it out with them or talk to somebody else in the community, such as another player or a moderator. We all know each other. Speak up if you're upset about something!

★ You know the basics: no godmodding, don't kill somebody else's character, no smut is allowed in the main community, and I expect that we can all type and write like adults and use spell check when we really need it.

★ This place isn't insane about activity, since the purpose of this community is to post whenever the hell we get the time and we feel like it. Well, actually, it's not like that at all, but we are looking for a casual pace so it might as well be just like that. As long as nobody's activity is near comatose, we're good. By the way, the secret word is klorbag.

★ If you're new, signing up for a new character, or creating a new OC, please fill out the application for new characters. If you previously played a JCN or Nexus character, and wish to join, fill out the application for returning characters. Both applications can be found HERE.

★ Do not lie on your application. RP is built on trust, so it doesn't make sense to lie on an application about yourself or the character you're playing.

★ For now, the only characters we're accepting are Teen Titan characters, but we might make an exception here and there. If your characters are from the Nexus and have a close friendship or relationship with your Teen Titan character, feel free to apply!

★ I know this is a private community, but the limit is still four canon characters for each player. The canon characters you have shouldn't have to interact heavily with each other; that's what we like to call 'Posterbation'. Posterbation is bad, people, don't practice it. >:|

The only exception to the rule is an OC; no more OCs than canon characters that you play, though. Any more than that, and I'll personally slap you with a GTFO stick. A lot.

Furthermore, if we need a character for a plot purpose and for plot purposes only, we always have an npc account to use. Get an icon of said-character, open the account, and you're set. Or, if you have a spare account lying around for said-character, bring it in for the plot, but no more after that. Or I will bring out the chainsaw of STFD.

READ and FILL OUT this application. If you apply without submitting an application, your request will be ignored.

New Character(s):
LJ user name:
AIM Name:
Other characters you play in this community:

Character's name:
Alignment (Good/Evil/Neutral):

1. Please give a short description of your character's powers.

2. Please give us a short history on your character; where are they from, et cetera?

2a. If you have an original character, please give us a brief description of his or her physical appearance. All we need is a few sentences or a single paragraph.

3. Tell us how you feel they would fit in with the Titans and what association they would have. If you have an original character, please tell us where they are from and how they know the Titans.

4. Give a brief, in-character post as your character.

5. Though we understand that real life gets in the way, and that this is a private community, we do ask that you be available to keep up and finish threads. Can you participate in the community on a casual pace?

6. Please prove you've read the rules by giving us the secret word.

Returning Character(s):
LJ user name:
AIM Name:
Other characters you play in this community:

Character's name:
Alignment (Good/Evil/Neutral):

1. Please give us an explanation for your character's history since JCN, such as what they've accomplished, what they're doing now, and whether or not they're still heroes/villains/working the same 9-5 job. In other words, where have they been?!

2. Do they still have the same abilities/powers? If not, please explain.

3. Though we understand that real life gets in the way, and that this is a private community, we do ask that you be available to keep up and finish threads. Can you participate in the community on a casual pace?

4. Please prove that you have read the rules by writing down the secret password.

A. Lex (evilwildlex) was thinking about using Google Documents for big logs, especially for two characters. This probably means we'd all have to have gmail or yahoo accounts, but it's easy to use and free to sign up for! This can further help us achieve our lazy casual pace.

B. My idea is to create a separate community for logs that are carried out privately in AIM or in Google Docs. It could be called jcn_logs if we still keep the old community. That way, major plot threads or threads involving more than two characters, can be in the main community. Speaking of which...

The Community
A. We revamp jumpcitynexus and use that.

B. Come up with a new community account and start fresh there.

Possible Characters

A. So far, we might have: Starfire • Beast Boy • Raven? • Cyborg • Aqualad • Lightning • See-More • Raptor's Duela • Seto • Lex's Silvermane • Lex's Ignition • Thirst? (please Colin please please please?). So far, that's twelve characters!

B. The reason why I want to offer people to make AU versions of JCN and their characters is, in case, one of us doesn't want to exactly say this is the definite canon, or if the character was in another community for awhile (such as Raptor's Duela).

pretendy fun time games

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