So! Icon meme stolen from
cheriestar. Because I can.
Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of ‘em. If you have fewer than 20, pick every other. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it’s interesting to you, what significance does it have.
- What can I say? Dib makes the best faces. Actually, all of the characters make the best faces during the whole series, but Dib's angry faces always seem to match mine IRL. So! This is my pathetic/pissy "this is going in my blog and then I'm going to forget it ever happened and go eat ice cream" icon.
beatonna is a genius. That's all I have to say about this icon about the Bronte sisters.
- Without spoiling anything, this, right here, was hilarious. Of all the things he does after shit goes down, he sits on a damn crate and sulks. Good job, Anders. (Thus, my official "I'm whining and I know I'm whining" icon.)
- I uh, have a lot of icons with Thane. Don't like it? Tough.
- I never used to enjoy coffee until...a year ago, I think? I tried one by chance at a Dunkin Donuts, and since then, I've occasionally enjoyed it. I've recently discovered lattes, which are delicious.
- Rose! Who is one of my favorite companions from Doctor Who! Actually, I don't have a least favorite companion so far, but at the moment she's right up there with Martha.
- Amy trying to steer van Gogh into painting one of her favorite pieces by him through the tactics of filling his yard with sunflowers. I really like this image. The episode itself breaks my heart, but their little scenes were sweet.
- Honestly, if you've never played Psychonauts, you probably won't understand why this icon is hilarious to me. See, the game is about psychic kids who go into other people's minds and help them through nervous breakdowns, mental disorders or chase away nightmares. At one point, the main protagonist encounters a milkman who was bailed who intends on burning an abandoned asylum down with flaming bottles of milk. (Don't ask.) When you go into his mind, you discover that his paranoid subconscious is obsessed with the Milkman, and there's secret agents--G-Men, they're called--poorly disguising themselves as normal people as they try to find the Milkman. Their disguises. range from regular house wives to gardeners. The construction workers are my favorite for this line. Oh, and I have mentioned that these secret agents look alike and voiced by Steven Blum, who uses in
an extremely flat, monotonous voice? - Another Rose icon. I just needed a sleepy icon.