I can't beat Cid Raines for the life of me. I just can't. Just...what the fuck am I doing wrong?! I can't cast slow on him because he's just going to cast haste on him after his metamorphosis, I can't stop healing myself straight after he transforms because he keeps beating the crap out of us, and the summons do NOTHING to damage him/get him into stagger mode.
I guess I have to give my weapons some EXP, but ugggggh I have no gil to buy the mechanics needed to do that because you know why? Some chuckleheads are Square-Enix thought it was a better idea NOT to give out gil after the battles, that we should just sell things we don't need anymore to get them! But uh. HOW DO YOU DO THAT? What if you run out of things to sell?! Who the fuck came up with that fucking idea?!
ugh. I'm so frustrated. I'm half-tempted at this point to just start the game all over and rework my way through it, or do nothing but fight around the area for an hour and come back to Cid later and see if that helps any. uggggh I am so frustrated right now.