Все по Rose Online!!!
(все для создания приватника RoseOnline)
Файлы и рессурсы:
eRose Sourse Codes
http://www.mmogaming.co.uk/ROSE/eROSE%20Server.rarhttp://rapidshare.de/files/24720352/SERVEROK.RAR.html Erose Complied Files
http://mmogaming.co.uk/ROSE/R.O.S.E%20eMu.rarhttp://rapidshare.de/files/26062008/R.O.S.E_eMu.rar.html ROSE Client Patch
http://files.filefront.com/sRose_Patchrar/...;/fileinfo.html R.o.s.e CP
http://forum.ragezone.com/attachments/2960...se-web-v1.0.rar R.o.s.e-Web 1.0
how to
1 - unrar in a diferent folder in your web root/folders
2 - just look for news_col_account.sql file
or inject this in your sql databas. :
ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `ordres` BINARY( 8 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
3 - then put "11111111" in ordres cell. (admin= full 11111111 and user = 0)
5 - change config.inc.php in inc/folder to fit your needs.
$sql_db = "roseon_beta"; //DB Name
$sql_host = "xxxxx"; //DB Host
$sql_user = "xxxxx"; //DB User
sql_pass = "xxxxx"; //DB Password
then conect by index.php using yours rose's account username and password
Beta R.o.s.e Files:
http://rapidshare.de/files/28390068/roseonsvr_beta.rar.htmlFew bug fixes, Npcs, Walking, Monsters
Pretty much fixed Sfiles
Гайд по установке готового сервера:
The Following Programs Are Included In Package
.Net Framework 2.0
Rose Server
Rose Web v1[1].0
SQL Files
Client Launcher & Patch
NOTE: Due to new server files, please use this
Drose Server Files:
http://www.dheat.co.uk/drose.sql Installation
Step 1: Install wamp5_1.6.4a.exe
Step 2: Install navicat_trial.exe
Step 3: Install dotnetfx.exe
Step 4: Install Rose Server.exe
Step 5: Install Rose Web v1[1].0.exe
Do not put password on wamp5.
"Note: This is just for making this setup simple"
Now open navicat and create a Connection
Connection Name: localhost
Host name/IP address: localhost
Port: 3306
Username: root
Password: (no password)
Click "ok"
Right Click localhost in the connection list
Now create a data base named Rose
Click "ok"
1)Click + sign next to "localhost" in the connection list.
2)Right Click on the data base named "rose"
3)Click "Execute Batch File"
4)Navigate to "C:\Server\sql"
5) Execute each of the files inside of the sql folder.
Just do steps 2,3,4 until all sql files loaded.
You should now have tables for the following
Now close navicat
Install : rose_112_112_NA.exe
After install , completely update the client, and run the configurator.
Install: Client.exe
This will patch your client and also adds a launcher.
Go to "C:\Program Files\Triggersoft\Rose Online"
You will see a file named "RoseOnline Launcher"
Right click and click "Send To" "Desktop (Create Shortcut)
Now go to in web browser and create a account.
Now open navicat and look inside the table accounts.
Change your access level to 300 on your account. "This makes you a GM"
Go to "C:\Server"
You need to execute the servers. "All 3 servers"
Login Server.exe
Char Server.exe
World Server.exe
Ok congrats!! Your server is setup and ready to go.
Open your Shortcut to RoseOnline Launcher
Login and create character.
GM Commands
/ann (insert announcement here)
ex. "/ann Hello World!"
Spawn Mob
/mon (mob ID) (ammount)
ex. "/mon 1 100"
note: Look in the SQL file for mob IDs
Erase all mobs
note: Useful if you spawn a bunch of things you can't kill or just want a clean world. Some mobs will not disappear, though.
Change Level
/level (level you wish to be)
ex. "/level 100"
Move to location
/moveto (x) (y)
ex. "/moveto 5400 5400"
/tele (mapID) (x) (y)
ex. "/tele 22 5400 5400
Movement Speed
/mspeed #speed
ex. "/mspeed 600"
Гайд по компилированию (кто умеет):
Step 1.
Files that are needed to compile and run the dRose source/server.
http://dheat.co.uk/dROSESRC.ziphttp://www.dheat.co.uk/drose.sqlhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/visualc/download/http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=enhttp://www.boost-consulting.com/download.htmlhttp://www.navicat.com/download/navicat_trial.exe Step 2.
Installing the software.
Unzip dROSESRC.zip to a directory somewhere. I usually put it on the desktop for simplicity. Put the drose.sql file in there for safe keeping, and for easy access later. The next step is to install the VC++ compiler. This may take a few minutes so go get a snack
. After it is installed, run the installer program for the SDK, this may also take a few minutes. Next visit the Boost site and get the header files that the source needs to be compiled. Lastly, install Navicat, but you won't need it for awhile,
Step 3.
Now here is where alot of people get in trouble. The acutall compiling of the source. Here is what we need to do. Open up VC++ and then open up the dRose project. I'm assuming you all know how to do that (as it is pretty darn simple) Now here is a big step that alot of people miss, we need VC++ to recognize boost as a library. Easy fix. Now we do this -> Goto Tools-> Options-> Projects and Solutions-> VC++ Directories. Select Library from the drop down box. Now you enter in the directory where you placed the boost thread header files. This allows VC++ to see that these are library files that are needed by the dRose source. One this is done, you can compile. There maybe warnings that pop up for you (i've fixed my warnings) and you may even get some errors (you shouldn't unless I wrote this badly, as I only got 2 hours of sleep last night).
Step 4.
Now that we have our files, you need to put then in their own directory along with the libmySQL.dll and the rosecrypt.dll files. You can download anyone's compiled packages here and get those 2 files, so I didnt include then in the listing of files at the beginning.
Step 5.
Open up Navicat, and setup the connection using the settings you left in the source (for more info on that read the other topics, as I am just covering the basics here). Once you are connected you need to right click on your connection and execute batch file. Point it to where you placed the drose.sql file (i told you to place it somewhere safe and easy) and then wait for the query to finish. Once its done you will need to goto the accounts table and create an account. You will need to generate a md5 hash of your password. That can be done here ->
http://www.aboyandhiscomputer.com/utils/md5.php and then enter that in your password field. Also, set your access level to 300 so that you have GM powers. Next step is to login to your new server, and have fun!
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