People who bash the military

Jul 06, 2009 20:30

The one thing that pisses me off alot.

People who scorn others for wanting to join the military, and/or say "the military is dumb" etc.
Mostly little spoiled teens who think they're so tough, but in all reality , they're just brats.Seriously.

Being an Air Force brat my whole life, I sort of felt connected to some way to the military, although my parents divorced and randomly started living together for awhile again, we still moved and went on base , shopped at the comissary. When I was younger, I would go with my dad to work, or visit him in his barracks.

And now that I am Army wife, I feel great pride in being one, even though I'm not actually in the Army. Is that wrong, or conceited?
Everyday, doing housework, making the apartment more "home" feeling, cooking, tending to my husband's needs (and sexual ones ;P) makes me feel as though I am helping him out, and in some tiny way, contributing to the Army too.
Even the little things I do, like massage his feets and scalp, make sure he's got clean undies, socks, PT clothes, and uniforms, or just being there to comfort him gives me a sense of pride and worthiness.

I know I'm not doing much besides those things mentioned, and improving on drawing, and planning and job searching (no luck so far T_T). I know I'm not as significant as what my husband does everyday and what he's going to be doing come next year, but I try to fill in those gaps that are the little things, things that wouldn't be filled if we weren't together.

Anyways, back to what pisses me off.

I know the military sucks, and its sometimes a crappy job, and alot of stress and pain. I know I myself probably wouldn't be able to handle basic training. It's a tough job and not alot of people can handle it.

And then those are those who bash everything about the military as if they're tough shit themselves. Ugh
It pisses me off, because , being in the military is a stress-filled painful job, especially for those depolyed.
And the situations people get constantly thrust into under stress overtime will destroy their souls. The things these people have seen are things most civilians can't comprhend.

For example, my brother in law. He was in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Brian and his family told me how Ed drank alot when he came back home and got angry. Brian told me he had PTSD and saw flashbacks. The last time we were in S.C. , we were at Ed's all drinking, he said he wished he could shoot himself sometimes. He sounded depressed, and at that moment, after he poured out how his wife is lazy and how he felt depressed knowing that people assume he is and always once a normal civilian. How it's like he did something more important that these other people and he's been places and done things. And yet no one notices.

I felt his pain and sorrow then and there. I always thought he was a cool guy, but then I wanted to cry for him. I felt really bad because , well, everyone knows his wife is lazy, although I think she's alright personality wise. They got 3 kids, all  around the same age, very young. And at least she's working, but she doesn't really clean, and she kind of let herself go. I feel bad for Ed because, I am busting my ass cleaning all the time, and I get frustrated when I'm not a "perfect" size for Brian.  I thought how Ed deserved better in a wife, for all the things he's gone through. He obviouisly isnt happy in the choices he made in life, but at the same time, life kind of went bad for him too.

And then there's my dad. He drank and got into car wrecks alot when I was younger.  I never really chalked it up to the military until recently. In early 2008, I moved to S.C. to live with my dad and uncle, because I was getting tired of Tampa, and my dad got into 2 wrecks within the time I was there. And as I was living there, I noticed my dad was more withdrawn, not as as social, until he felt comfortable around certain people. It made me feel really sad. He was also in Iraq the same time Ed was there.

It hurts me to see people around me affected by being in the military. And especially now since , next year my husband will be deploying. It hurts me because, the person he is now, the person, the being, the soul that makes him , him could possibly be destroyed come next year.  I can only hope and pray that nothing bad happens to him. I'm sure on the inside he's thinking about next year too, but he doesn't really talk about it that much.

And the people that bash the military because they can't come to understand people's choices for joining, or even coping with it, and ignorant. They are. They would crack under the mental stress. The psychical training would break them in so many ways. And it pisses me off that the people who have made it pass the stress and pain are being bashed just because they are more mentally and pyshically tougher.

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