Today turned out to be a really good day with the acception of a minor freak-out at Tim Hortons this morning. We got up at about the same time I usually do for work, left about the same time as I normally would for work, and even got home at about the same time. I thought that was rather ironic.
Heather and her friend came and got us, and of course, we had to hit the nearest Starbucks, because…everyone meet Heather…she’s a starbucks addict. LOL! Then we were on our way to Buffalo. We got there early, so because I didn’t get anything for breakfast, I asked them to stop somewhere so I could get something, and there just happened to be a Tim Hortons near by, so I went in to get me a bagle and that maple donut I like. That was when I had my many freak-out. It didn’t last long. I guess I apparently started flipping out, because I was having a hard time hearing people…or something. I jsut remember Heather telling me it was because I was freaking out and I had every right to be. It was a little embarrassing, but what can you do.
My original reader got really sick apparently, so they got one of the procters to fill in. The test took me about three hours to get through, because I had her read stuff twice so I could pay attention to certain details that were important. I didn’t finish it until about 4:00, and I was starving by the time I got out. After that, we all went over to the anchor bar for some really true Buffalo wings, and I ate like a pig. I almost had a couple of drinks, but decided against it, as nobody else seemed to want to drink, and I didn’t want to be the only one. So I resolved to get sloshed tomorrow night.
As far as the test itself, I think it went better this time, but I can’t be sure. I won’t know for another eight weeks or so. I can tell you, however, that I have resolved that if I fail this one, I’m not retaking it again. I’ve never been one to give up on things, but if the universe is working against it, there’s not a lot I can do about that. The only thing I can do is try a couple of times, and if it doesn’t work out, find something else, or figure out exactly what it is that I’m meant to do. I can safely say that I’ve learned a great deal from this experience; about the body, about things you should and shouldn’t do with the body, or with people who have certain conditions, so I guess at this point, that’s all that matters. So for now, I’ll patiently wait to see how I did, then, if I fail, I’ll begin reassessing my life and what I want to do as a career from there. If I pass, well, I’ll probably either find somewhere to work, or see about doing some freelance massages to get me started. Then, I’ll research what it takes to get lisenced in Ontario.
We got home, and just relaxed. I didn’t have to cook, because we stuffed ourselves at the Anchor bar, and stopped at Sugar Mountain for cup cakes on the way home. James cleaned up my bath tub and drew me a bath, which was very relaxing. Other than that, it’s been a low-key evening. Unfortunately, I have to go back to work tomorrow, but the good news is…it’s Friday so hopefully, it won’t be too busy. James feels the need to cut out on Saturday night, so I’m going to be by myself after that.
Originally published at
Life in the Nuthouse. Please leave any
comments there.