So after weeks of incessent nagging by the loving boyfriend, I got off my fat lazy arse and checked my RSS feeds. He set this up for me quite a while ago, and eventually set it up so I could read my friends page on LJ. I just hadn’t gotten to it until this afternoon. It was amazing what I saw from not reading the friends page for such a long time. People are graduating from college, Couples I thought had broken up are still together, One couple did break up after thinking they might be able to work things out, Someone’s moving into their own place next year, and someone is starting their own business. I even found a couple taro decks I’m halfway tempted to purchase at some point. I finally finished reading all of my RSS feeds, and I’m beginning to wonder if James and I switched boddies for a few hours. It’s almost 2:00 in the morning, and he’s dead to the world, and I’ve done RSS feeds all night. At least when I went to bed, I at least said good night without just disappearing. haha! So if we’re switching places, I wonder if I should go all out and start watching a hockey game. I just thought about it, and decided absolutely not. I’m going to go bac, to being Jessica, and lay on my fat lazy ass in my bed with my Diana Gabaldon book until I fall asleep.
Today was a very productive day. I got my grocery shopping done early, came back hear and was able to relax a bit befor braving the strong wind and walking up to the taro meet up the local psychic store has once a month. Had to cab it home, because Mother nature decided it would be amusing to add rain into the mix. I repotted more of my snake plants, then started doing RSS feeds. I hoped my friend, Emma would want to hang this weekend, but she’s got some things going on, so we’ll probably hang next week.
So it was nice to be able to catch up with everybody finally and see what’s been going on in everybody’s lives. Now, It’s off to bed with me.
Originally published at
Life in the Nuthouse. Please leave any
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