Mar 09, 2010 23:47
So yesterday afternoon I went to my doctor and told him I was out of medication and in inconsistant pain. He told me he was unsure what was wrong but he wanted to inject me to see if I get better. I agreed. When I went to pay I was told its usually 60$ but because of the injection it was 100$ I was embarresed cause I didn't have enough money.
Anyway, he said if I don't get better in a week to come back and he'll send me to a professional. Yesterday it hurt a little. Today I am having trouble walking/standing I am in a fuck load of pain. I'm back to barely being able to walk again. (people on PT are standing up for me.)
Anyway, I want to go back, but I don't know if it is too soon because he said wait a week.
I also don't want to pay another 60$ (currently poor so wasting money is not a good idea) for him to say 'hmm don't know whats wrong.. here's a number for a specialist.' which'll probably be another fuckload of money, and then I will be on the streets with a tin can begging for menoy.