Feb 14, 2005 01:12
I have had a pretty cultural weekend. At least my saturday was. We were VIPs at the Chinese New Year Parade. It was awesome. Lots of free food and a couple chinese movie stars...no jackie chan or jet li:( too bad. I have a friend from church, britney, who was the little queen in the parade. soooo cute. Later that night I went to a Taiko Drum Festival. Totally rad. I want to do that. It's like what I was born to do. Picture me running around crazy beating on drums, maybe my hair is all braided...jake knows. I'm sorry I am a failure of a pacteus pruniezer. I had a book on reserve and I wasn't going to slip away. Homework sucks. I am still watching Alias like an addict. I am on season 2 episode 20. woot woot nickel! I am tired and I want to go to bed. But more than anything I want to be home right now. Tomorrow is Valentine's day and I want to spend it with Dustin. I am sade. Last night i started crying at 3am and couldn't stop. so i called and woke him and and he had to calm me down. it was kinda funny cuz i've never done that to him before. But It sucked cuz i was BAWLING. He told me to make sure I'm in the gym at noon tomorrow. I don't know what he has up his sleeve. Some kind of surprise. I know it won't be him:( that's a sad thought. cuz for a while I was thinking that just maybe...but no. It can't be. Whatever it is won't be as good as him. but its nice that he's trying. ok enough. bye