Oct 07, 2004 18:34
It's fun, but it's sometimes a bit much. I haven't gotten to sleep before 1am on any given night, and it's my own fault. And I have made quite the habit of missing my wednesday morning class (it's boring anyways). I am known here as the girl who is always on the phone. Which sucks, but oh well. Tonight we are suposed to go grocery shopping. I miss shopping. So I'm animada! I am going to be learning portugese soon from my friend alex who is brazilian. He's awesome. Amy: I got your letter today and I felt so important! Thank you! I'll write u back soon. My parents are coming the day after tomorow and nickel is coming tomorow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah! I am gonna make her spoon with me! and she's gonna hate it. today i had to dig through trash as a school assignment. It was WEIRD.