Aug 28, 2005 21:37
Yeah so I should really update more...I know.
Shut up.
So this weekend, well yesterday I got back From Drummond Island. Yes, I'll post all of my entries. At least I promise that every year and I never actually get around to doing it. So I unpacked my things and did my laundry and surprisingly, haven't started crying about how much I'm going to miss everyone and everything about Drummond.
And how they probably won't remember me next year.
Well that's nice.
So today Ken took me to pick up my new Prada glasses and have my old lenses replaced on my old glasses. I loved those glasses, and I thought I would just pop the lenses out of the old ones and pop in the new ones, but I had to have my old glasses replaced. So I gave the girlmy old lasses, what a shame, and I took the new ones. They don't even LOOK like my old ones. They're exactly the same style though.
Meh...I'm happy with my new glasses, they're a big change.
So today I found out that if I was going to White Pine this year, my life would completely suck. But because I'm not going there life is great. I would have been in 8-4, I would be in "8th Grade Math", whatever the fuck that is...
So no one really knows whatever happened to Algebra A, Algebra and Geometry..?
Gawd that is fucking stupid.'s things for the Heritagers? and the WP's?
I guess I'm tired already. I'm fucking hotttt too. So I'll get some drink and uh..bed I'm guessing...?
<33333 simple song simple plan