Feb 03, 2018 23:33
wow. has it been SOOOO long since i had time to chronicle?! that solo parenting stint from the last entry seems awfully long ago!
in the interim, John has finished his Sunshine school year and embarked on his Rainbow one, Hubbs has completed a very important project at work that has done wonders for his portfolio and resume, we've made it thru last year's Children's camp, Jireh's turned 4years and a month old while Levi's just turned 17weeks, we've celebrated Christmas and New Year's, and we've gotten some semblance of a routine established at home this new 2018, and every single day has been a real challenge for me, and yet, every single day has been and still is a daily new experience of His grace and His faithfulness.
truly, morning by morning, new mercies i see. ALL i have needed, Thy hand hath provided; great is Thy faithfulness, LoRd, unto me.
i have this constant urge to chronicle, because i hate forgetting. i want to collect all our memories and keep them for when i wanna look back at them in the days to come. i especially wanna chronicle the milestones in the Kiddies' lives. but its so difficult to find time to chronicle at all, its crazy. with Levi now, i can go a coupla days without even going on social media at all. there's just so much to do. and all my free time is spent quickly reading at least my daily dosage of God's Word, or catching up on a few pages of the books i'm reading now, or listening to sermons, i just don't even have the leisure to sit down and log onto something.
its crazy, i cannot even "toilet" in peace. and my name, to JohnJohn at least, is not just "MaMa", its "MaMa, MaMa, MaMa, MaMa" :| i can't believe i'm still wanting more Kiddies, LoRd willing (: you'd be thinking i'm swearing off having anymore but no. i still believe that just as His Word tells us, Children are a heritage from the LoRd. they are blessings. and i'm longing for more arrows in our quiver. i'm just not sure if God thinks us fit enough to give us more though, we've got our hands full as it is, i cannot think what our lives will be like if we're outnumbered :|, but i am definitely keen to have more if He's willing to give us more Kiddies <3
anyway. gonna try some quick updates now that i'm actually even online.
John's a really sweet brother. he loves kissing Levi everywhere, on his arms, his calves, his forehead, and his cheeks, and he absolutely loves squeezing Levi's fat cheeks affectionately and cooing "soooo cute" at him. he also enjoys helping me get Levi's stuff ready when he sees me about to dress/undress/diaper/shower Levi.
John's become really sticky to me. he's stuck on me much of the time. he says a part of him must be on me at all times :| i don't know if its because there's Levi now and he needs more security but he really keeps sticking to me. he keeps hugging and kissing me and clinging to my arms and legs, its like he were one and a half again. i remember him at that age, clinging to me even when i'm in the kitchen cooking. fond memories, and really sweet, but sometimes when i'm busy its tough to pry him off in a way that doesn't hurt him.
John's still insisting on sleeping with me. in the first coupla weeks after Levi popped, i slept with Levi while Hubbs slept with Jireh, because we were afraid that Levi's waking up in the middle of the night will wake Hubbs or Jireh up. but we soon realised that Levi sleeps really well at nights so we decided to just all sleep together again. but even our King sized bed isn't big enough for four, so someone's gotta be on the mattress and that someone was supposed to be JohnJohn of course. but he'd be so reluctant to not be beside me even though the mattress is just right beside our bed, and he'd keep coming up to our bed at night and squeezing between Hubbs and me that initially Hubbs eventually just decided to go sleep on the mattress instead. but Hubbs and i miss sleeping with each other -- we need to still feel close too, so the current arrangement is that JohnJohn can only sleep with me on weekdays. he goes back down to his mattress weekends. truth be told, i sometimes don't feel as though i've slept well because, imagine, having a nursing infant on one side and a prescshooler who kicks in his sleep on your other as you sleep. plus. Levi's kinda spoilt in that he loves sleeping on me. this is totally my fault though. because Levi was in the NICU for the first few days of his life, he came home not being very clingy. he was able to sleep quite well on his own for hours at a stretch. but i couldn't take not having him on me like i had with JohnJohn back in the early months of John's life, so i put Levi to sleep on me at nights. now he loves that, and Hubbs and i agree that i've spoilt him silly (: but i don't regret this at all. its such. an. amazing. unbeatable. feeling. having your little one in your arms and asleep on you. how long can i have this for? i'm not trading this!!!!
JohnJohn loves numbers and one of his favourite activites is doing Math equations with me.
Levi does crazy poopnamis once a day in the mornings. its scary cause 90% of the time, his diapers leak and the poop gets onto his clothes and we're almost always out in the mornings. sometimes we're in the car doing the school run or dropping Hubbs at the office. sometimes we're at the park. and its soooo troublesome and difficult to diaper him, particularly when his rompers are soiled. i'm terrified of his huge morning poopnamis but there's absolutely nothing i can do about them. we've used different brands of diapers and in different sizes but nothing works.
Levi is an incorrigible chatterbox (: he loves when we respond and coo to him and he can go on for a rather long time, cooing at us back and forth.
Levi is a friendlier baby that Jireh. he's more agreeable to letting people carry him than JohnJohn was. JohnJohn only wanted Hubbs or me for the longest time. i remember one particular incident when we were serving at the other church and we were serving during Holy Communion and JohnJohn cried and wailed and screamed all through it and we could hear it but because we were serving we couldn't go to him. chrissie had actually brought him as far away as she possibly could, but we could hear him sobbing inconsolably.
i wish i could go on chronicling. there's soooo much i wanna remember about these two dear little Sweetie Pies. but i am beat. i am exhuasted at the end of every day. imma try and continue soon.