Aah, the mac is back online! You know what this means?
On bonfire night thanks to a timely text from
nalsa I managed to make the Hyde Park fireworks. The park was rammed full of students, the fireworks were beautiful - and as an additional bonus, there were people playing with fire. I think the Circus Skills Society were out flirting with the crowd - they were very good, with firey juggling, fire breathing, firey poi, firey sticks and particularly mesmerising firey-hula hooping ladies.
Photys under the cut to save your browser. Think they'd be better with a tripod and technical thought, but from a digital camera dug out of a handbag in the cold I'm quite pleased.
firebreathe, originally uploaded by
firepoi, originally uploaded by
firegirl, originally uploaded by
firegirlgo, originally uploaded by