Review for TW 2x02

Jan 28, 2008 20:12

Finally, after starting to write it last thursday, today I got round to finishing my review, so here it is:

Alright. I'm at uni and I just finished preparing my Tutorium, so I decided to take a break of 15 mins. Time for a review.

On the whole I didn't like this episode quite as much as last week's,but then that would have been quite difficult to achieve anyway.

As for the storyline: Those sleeper-agent-alien-things made for a good story. Especially since Beth really didn't know she was indeed an Alien. Still I got the feeling it could have been done better. Maybe it was just too late for me, so I missed important stuff, but I didn't quite get why it was "over" once they stopped the guy who was planning on using the nuclear warheads. Did the others all blow up themselves? *is puzzled* After the guy informed Jack that "they are already here" I exspected more to happen, but then the ep was already over. Will there be another ep featuring these creatures, I wonder? Personally I definitely wouldn't mind. So, well, it was weird, how they stopped the chase for the aliens, even though they know they are still out there. On the other hand, Gwen seemed to have problems with exactly that frustrating fact and Jack said that wait was all they could do. So, well, I suppose he knows best.

Uhoh, I get the feeling I didn't pay attention all that well yesterday evening...(Uhm...rewatched the episode sunday night. I suppose I didn't listen to what Jack said via CB-Radio first time 'round, I'm less confused now.)

Next topic: Gwen. I'm impressed. An entire episode passed without me having the urge to slap or throttle her. Now, that's a new one. Great. I really likes Gwen in this episode. She did her caring thing, but it was done in a way, which was not annoying and imho completely understandable. As for that scene where Ianto offers her his arm. I thought that was really sweet. I liked seeing them portrait as friends. :)

Tosh. Uhm...I want more Tosh? More interesting Tosh, that is. I didn't get the feeling that she was particularly present in this episode. But the trailer at the end looked like she might have a greater role in the next ep. *hopes*

Owen spraying a plant?! *lol* Absolutley pointless scene, but I liked it. *hehe* Also, isn't it typically Owen to tell Gwen, that Jack said she's supposed to wait with the comatose guy instead of them... I can't think of another Owen scene atm, which caught my interest. Now I can. "Let's all have sex." Only Owen. (Well, or maybe Jack...) I only wish the scene hadn't been in the trailer already, it would have been a lot more fun if it hadn't been. As it was I barely cracked a smile...

And as much as I'd like to get into the topic of Jack and Ianto (and Jack&Ianto) it's too late now. Still gotta pay a visit to my locker and collect a key from the porter. CU.

Alright, 5 days later, I finally get to continue this "review". Or not, depends on whether or not someone comes in any time soon. I'm supposed to tutor people here, but noone showed up so far, which is a first, actually. Well, while I wait...

So, Ianto. Ianto, I love you dearly, but I'd rather you got some serious screentime instead of being the comic relief guy. Not that I didn't enjoy the telephone comment, for example, or "Nobody know's more than I do." or "I know everything. It says so on the bottom of the screen." *lol* Well, while I loved those, I felt it was a bit overdone in this episode. I'm hoping they'll manage to find a balance in the future. BTW, Why did noone come up with the CB Radio idea? It was the first thing, which sprung to my mind...

"You, me and this room for as long as it takes." Hehe. The slasher in me was rather amused. *g* Not as amused as I would have exspected, though. Dunno, I got the feeling the whole Jack/Ianto interaction in this ep was vaguely off, but then I suppose that was mainly me coming to terms with Ianto's new self. We'll see how that devellops in later episodes.

Blah, somehow I get the feeling this review wasn't all that informative at all. I suppose it would help if I watched TW while being awake... Or if I wrote reviews while being awake. Yeah, suppose that would help. Don't see that happening any time soon, though.

And now, since I still got spare time... I'll start translating "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang". *rubs hands* ;)

review, fandom, torchwood

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