Doctor Who/Torchwood
Am Anfang (At the Beginning) March 2009
Everyone from TW&DW, German but subtitled in English
TorchBears September 2008
TW Team, English
Le Jour Se Lève Encore (The Day Rises Again) August 2008
TW Team, French but subtitled in English
Hobbies May 2008
Ianto, German but subtitled in English
Relativ (Relatively) April 2008
Jack/Ianto, German but subtitled in English
Ohrwurm (Catchy Tune) February 2008
Jack/Doctor, mention of Jack/Ianto, German but subtitled in English
Du kannst nicht alles haben (You Can't Have Everything) December 2007
many pairings from DW and TW - funvid, German but subtitled in English
Photograph November 2007
10th and 5th Doctor (for the CIN Special 2007), English
Vom Selben Stern (From The Same Star) August 2007
Doctor/Master, German but subtitled in English
Alles im Grünen Bereich (Everything's Okay) July 2007
Doctor/Rose, German but subtitled in English
Nur für dich (Only For You) April 2007
Jack/Ianto, German but subtitled in English
Lord of the Rings
Es ist nicht immer leicht (It isn't always easy) October 2008
Gimli, German but subtitled in English