feeling obliged to fill out this meme

Jun 06, 2005 20:10

1) Total number of books owned:
Oh good lord. Personally, I guess around 150, but my dad's a printer which adds a hell of a lot more books that I like to think I own by way of being in my family. a lot more.

2) The last book I bought:

The script of Dr. Faustus by Marlowe. My friend was reading Faust by Goethe in German and got me thiking about it so much that I ended up impulse buying.

3) The last book I read:

Bah. I read numerous books at any one time. I'm just done with reading the 1st part of Kershaw's 'Hitler: Hubris', I still have 'Nemesis' to go though, so not sure if that fully counts.

4) 5 books that means a lot to me:

(in no particular order)

1. Regeneration by Pat Barker
2. Watership Down by Richard Adams
3. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. yes, I realise a 'wars against Germany' theme is prevelent.
4. A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. Just for getting to the second chapter and realising that I had mastered a whole new language without noticing.
5. The Blue Fairy's Story book - this is actually the specific book I have, and the manna on which I fed on in my childhood. It's from the turn of last century, has been passed down through the family, is full of bizarre Grimm's fairy tales that must have gone out of fashion and is the most beutifully illustrated book ever.
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