Expedia vs. Carter (2005)

Apr 25, 2005 13:23

Expedia.com is racist against non-Americans. It's waving a one way flight home for 190BPS (there's no pound icon on these damn keyboards)infront of my nose but not allowing me to buy it because I don't have a US/Canadian credit card. When I look on Expedia.co.uk it doesn't even offer the same flight (which I need, because my mother is on it) and the flights they do offer are more than DOUBLE the price. Where's the fairness in that?
In other news, I think my subconcious is preparing me for leaving this place by making me dissatisfied with the majority of stuff around me (therefore not making me sad and teary-eyed at the thought of leaving, isn't that clever?). However that does leave me...well...feeling dissatisfied, which isn't the best situation. I hope it doesn't last.
In addition I'm annoyed at the fact that by leaving I pass up what appear to be really brilliant research oppertunities out here, that don't seem to be offered in Edinburgh. So the fact that if I stayed next year they'd give me the freedom and support to conduct research worthy of printing in journals, dispite only being an undergrad, leaves me a little bitter. But then again, maybe American journals are less picky and it wouldn't be such a great thing. I'd still like to do it though.
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