Nov 10, 2004 23:22
Death can be beautiful,
it can also be scary.
Death can be sudden,
so ages may vary.
Death can be planned,
when you want a life to end.
Death is how you want it,
when over,the damage you cannot mend.
Death can cause suffering,
the hurt can be great.
Death happens to everyone,
no one can change their fate.
Lets go back,back to biblical times,
back when people suffered greatly for minor crimes.
Lets go back to when he hung from the cross,
back to when shepards had to watch over their flocks.
Lets remember how they nailed his hands and feet,
on to heaven he'd go to his gracious father he'd meet.
He did these things for us,so we must never forget,
that Jesus still loves us no matter how bad we get.
Our day is coming when we finally go,
our sins he will forgive and out souls be white as snow.
Mothers Day
The sweetest words a woman can hear are "It's a girl"
as you bring your baby into this world.
As you look into your newborns eyes,
things must change you realize.
All your crazy habits must now stop,
except for one and thats to shop.
You change some of your wants and other things,
just to fit your baby's needs.
Then when things start getting rough,
there is always your toddlers love.
Now kindergarden time rolls around,
tears are silently streaming down.
Your child is slowly growing up,
you know shes still your baby,but thats just not enough.
Now as first,second,and third grade pass on by,
you realize how fast time truly flies.
Her age is growing almost as rapidly as she is,
and soon you won't be able to bare the thought of this.
Fourteen is now her double number,
shes realizing that girls are smart and boys are dumber.
She has made many mistakes but keeps priorities first,
if not for her moms encouragement she'd have probably burst.
So just in 'Thanks' I write this to say,
hope you had a great Mothers Day.
Have you ever made a mistake or felt that you weren't loved?
Well I have a friend who will always be here,my friend is from above.
My friends name is GOD,he is always there for me,
One day I'll meet him face to face as I march on to calvary.
The day that I meet GOD and touch his perfect face,
I'll know that I'm home and in my rightful place.
God looks at me as his sweet angel,
while I look at him as my precious savior.
Oh how I can't wait to stand by heavens gates,
and no longer will I be in a world of pain and hate.
(untitled 2)
I really messed things up,
I wish I could take them back.
I want to know that I am his again,
but now his love I lack.
I know he doesn't want me,
if only he knew how much I truly cared.
I wish that it was not just him or me,
but an us,a we...again.
Hope I didn't bore ya'll to much with my