leaving thursday for minnesota and wont be back until July 8th or 9th? pretty excited.
i like/love everyone...i dont hate stop being weird and telling people i hate them : [
i learned these amazing dance moves called the cart... pinball machine..and the pimp dance. ill show you sometime if you want : ]
why do guys shave their heads?
i played with silly putty for at least an hour tonight. it was tight.
im sure everyone heard about my party...i dont even know what to say about that.
you should download the song "How We Do" by Mount Sims. i like it..and its fun to dance too..always a plus.
im not to sure if i was allowed to put " " marks on the above song. kristen would know she is amazing at english.
im gunna miss connow buwke. im planning a road trip to see him as soon as he moves..everyone is invited.tehe.
i think we should start the worlds largest PENIS tell all your friends and we will meet under the oak tree at 7pm sharp to play.see you there : ]
give me a call sometime.
the jrs. know how to SPICE things up...right girls?
June 25th was the 3 year mark since my dad passed away...
g is for case you forgot
i love getting drunken phone calls/text messages..and i like to make them too...right HANNA BANANA PANCAKES?! *blushes*
a drunken upcoming sophmore likes to talk about birds when she is drunk .haha.
my b day is 9-11...never forget.
im gunna be in the newspaper...look for me under that meet your neighbor section : ]
i absolutely adore everyone single one of my life would suck without yall.
leave a comment on your middle name...i have a thing about knowing peoples middle names...that would be so wonderful of you :]
im having a great summer...hope you are as well <3