This weekend was...long...I was off Sat, Sun, Mon, and today (I work Sat). However, I do wish I was able to do more. Friday I really did not do much--I got sick last Sat from eatting Subway I was half-way into my food and my tumtum did not want me to take Subway with me so we left it in the bathroom there. THEN Wed mom made some pasta it looked odd but I still ate it, yep my tumtum was not feeling good but I did not get sick, UNTILL the next day when I ate some for lunch. All day Fri whenver I ate anything it came right back out. I was fine Sat. I told myself I would be becuase I went and saw Wicked with my mom, but Sun when I was with Steve I did not even want to try anything so I just ate some popcorn then we were dinking some as we were playing cards and they orderd pizza so I had some bc I knew I needed something in me--it did not stay long in me. I got sick again on Mon and was not able to go to EC sadly I REALLY wanted to! So in better news today was the first day I was able to keep something in me!
Wicked was A-mazin'!!!! Mom did not understand some of it which I understand becuase it was a lil hard to understand what they were singing. Overall the actting was very good and I would not mind going back. I would even love to see other plays! I must say I was sad that I did not take more THA classes when I was at EC however I did pay a lil more attion to the lights after listening to Karisa and Steph talk about lighting. I have no idea what they said but I did find myslef paying more attion to it and seeing how the lights effected the mood. I do not think I would have noticed it if I never heard Karisa or Steph talking about it before. I know odd but thats me! lol
Steve and I's 2 year anny was Sun we really did not do much becuase of money and all. However he did take me to see the Eagles and some other sites at Starved Rock. We are going back next weekend because that is when the largest group of Eagles are supose to be there! I can not wait! I love going there. If anyone else wants to go let me know it does not cost anything just gas money to get there. If you want to read more about it Well I realy do not know if I said anything of importance...thanks to those that read this :)