Nov 04, 2008 17:44
Well Tasha said I should put exerpts in this thing lol so you get my Prologue. Now... excerpts will come out depending on how far I get... ^^; yeah sorta... coming slowly... Hope you like it!
September 23rd
Some have said that 'the pen is mightier than the sword.' If that's true then why is it that everything I write has no power behind it? No one takes a 15-year-old seriously. But then again what teen is given respect? Adults sure don't respect us. Sadly neither do younger kids. We're the left-over casserole that you hate, and your mom's making you eat it anyway. Some are lucky to have respect handed to them on a silver platter, but those of us who deserve respect aren't given any because we're too much of one thing. Too out spoken. Too quiet. Too bland. Too expressive. If you're too much of something you're an automatic out cast who doesn't deserve anything, let alone respect!
I know this is the weirdest way to start a blog, but hey, it's what's on my mind and this is just an outlet. I don't expect anyone to read this let alone respond. Oh well, if you find the need to respond go ahead.
~Average Jewel (AJ)