(no subject)

Aug 24, 2009 02:31

Have I told you guys that I do yoga? Have I told you I'm a complete n00b at it??
Try some of these: (HINT:THEY'RE EASY!!!)

this one is easy, I'm jealous of one of my friends that can bend back so far and touch her feet to her head <.< I gotta learn how to do that!

I'm not sure I can lean back as far as this guy (more of my back is on the floor) but this feels really good and it's fun to do.

I like this one too, but usually my face is resting on the floor instead of on my legs but whatevs.

I love this one and I'm good at it to the point where I can rest my stomach and chest on the floor also, instead of just my face.

you get a nice back stretch out of this (cue popping noises) and it feels good

EASY. I tend to lean ALL the way back, so my my thighs are touching the backs of my legs, and my back is against the floor

this is one is harder and I can barely hold it for more than 10 secs before I crash to the floor. but it is fun, even though my wrists hurt after (all of your weight is on your hands)

And I can only do the half lotus postition *glum* stupid legs...LOTUS COME ON WTF WORK WITH ME HERE.
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