(no subject)

Aug 08, 2009 00:02

1. how to pump your own gas
2. be fluent in another language on a conversation level
3. how to drive a stick and an automatic shift car
4. how to change a lightbulb
5. how to write a check
6. how to siphon gas
7. how to use the TV manually (yes we know it hurts)
8. how to use the metric system
9. how to pick a lock
10. how to use the internet
11. you can't put shoes in the washing machine
12. how to change a tire
13. what pi equals (3.14 people, not 3.16!!!)
14. the square root of 25 (it's on the SAT)
15. the lyrics to the Pledge of Alliegence and The Star-Spangled Banner
16. The constitutional amendments (fuck the bible)
17. Your rights (by reading the Bill of Rights)
18. the lyrics to at least one Michael Jackson song
19. know who John Hancock really was
20. The names of the founding fathers
21. Christopher Columbus and the name of the ship he sailed
22. how to play "Tetris" up to level 20
23. Hugh Jackman is not Canadian or American
24. not to walk down/up escalators
25. been to Disney Land/World at least 1 time
26. everyone cries during Titanic, even you
27. who the current president and vice president are
28. Iceland is green, Greenland is ice
29. what year Mt. St. Helens erupted
30. how to hail a taxi
31. how to walk through one of those spinning doors
32. what a terabyte/gigabyte/megabyte/kilobyte are
33. have seen at least 5 eps of the Simpsons
34. you take 3 aspirin, not 2
35. how to turn down a beggar
36. your social security number/license plate number
37. sugar and fructose are the same damn thing
38. chinese food is not actually chinese food
39. guyliner= not cool
40. what FBI/CPS stand for.

hard economic timez, meme

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