(no subject)

Jul 18, 2009 01:52

I guess I have to come out and admit it, I'm a praise-lover. Anything you say to stroke my gigantic ego will make me happy in my pants a'right? And one of the only people I've ever really wanted praise from is my mom. Like I'll bring over my work and stuff from uni, and I want to show her all the math I'm doing right? (math is fave subject to talk about) So I get out the stuff, at least 50 pages worth of problems in my chickenscratch but I need to talk to someone and explain all of it because I'm trying to figure out algebra still after all these years, and I don't have it all down yet but I want to explain some of the problems I've solved to someone and see if it makes sense.

Me: "Hey mom, I want to show you some of my work."
Mom: "Hopefully not math again..."
Me:"Hey, it's alright you don't have to do anything, I just want to explain it to you." (I have somewhat of a teacher complex)
Mom: "But it all looks like Greek to me."
Me:"Yeah, yeah I know but just listen okay?"
Mom: "Can't I look at it tomorrow?"
Me: "No no, I want to explain it now."
Mom: "Just put it on the table and I'll look at it tomorrow."
Me: "How about later tonight?"
Mom:"I don't want to look at it."
Me:"And why the hell not?"
Mom: "Because I hate math."
Me:"So? I don't understand. I get this far after all the times you said I wouldn't make it and now you don't want to see my fucking work that you send me to that hellhole to do."
Mom:"Can't I look at some English?"
Me:"No I want you to look at math. You don't have to understand, just pay attention."
(so I begin to read off a problem, and point things out that have been troubling me with it)
She's not even paying attention, not even looking at me.
Me:"I'm not doing this if you won't pay attention."
Mom:"I don't want to pay attention."
Me:"...Fucking fine then! Look at it tomorrow!"

I slam the shit down and take off. I come over the next day at like 2 and I'm like "So did you look at the math?"

God I could just punch her.

hard economic timez, other

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