Nightly Blurb

Mar 09, 2009 20:38

God, was so sick yesterday. It started out with a splitting headache, and then I got sick to my stomach.

So, I go to take a nap. Later I wake up and the pain in my head is so bad I'm crying, and my legs and arms and back are so stiff it hurts to move at all.

So, I ride it out, taking some aspirin, and go back to sleep at 10 pm. Wake up later and the pain makes me want to go the hospital. I stay up, unable to go back to sleep, and watch POTC: At World's End. I manage to get through a half an hour before I feel really sick all of a sudden and proceed to throw up all over the floor.

Considerably feeling better, I go back to bed. It is now 3 in the morning. I wake up later at 7 AM, and I feel pretty good. Might not go to the hospital now.

Go to take a nap. Wake up at 9 AM and guess what? The pain is back, along with dizziness and pulsing vision.

And I have taken my temperature through all this and it seems to spike from 100.2 to 98.6 in the span of a few hours.

My fever is back up, my nose is running, my whole body is stiff, the headache is pounding, dizziness is abound, and I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

Declaring I cannot take this any longer, I go to the emergency room. They take my blood pressure, weight, pulse and ask me a few personal questions before the guy in green scrubs admits me to room 25.

I am forced to change into a flashy hospital gown, take the offered blankets and lay down, thinking about what the next couple of hours are going to be like. Outside there is the sound of clicking and what sounds like Mozart.

Soon, the nurse comes in (her name is Rose) and sets me up with some vicodin. I chuckle quietly to myself and think about Dr. House. Nurse leaves and doctor comes, asking about the symptoms and swabbing my nose very painfully. I grin and bear it.

I tell them my pain level (7) and mess around with the thing you put on your finger to check your vitals after they leave.

Am resting for quite some time before I hear this awful voice start saying things about "hearing voices" and that someone is going to kill them. The nurse meanwhile is saying "you're safe here" and "no one is going to hurt you".

The woman continues to babble on and I suddenly start getting very tired, but the crazy talk is so entertaining that it keeps we awake barely. Eventually the doctor comes in tells me that I have InFluenza B. Delighted, I tell him that I'm happy it wasn't HIV.

Since I had a shitload of caffeine before I went, I have to go pee. So, I get up, pulling the gown around me and stumble into the hallway. I enter the bathroom and go pee and then go back to my room.

The rest passes in a haze of beeping and crazy talk before the doctor comes back and prescribes me Vicodin and Tamflu. My pain level is now 2. I fill out paperwork and read about my flu.

Then I go and drop off the prescriptions and wait a half hour (in which I go and get a Frosty from Wendy's). I come back and pick up my drugs and take a Tamflu before going home.

I watch the snow outside for a little bit before taking my cat into my room and going to sleep.

Thus is Sam's flu.

nightly blurb

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