
Jul 25, 2005 22:41

Wow really intense roller blade ride. Went with Uncle David and Hunter. up and down hills. yup. Beach'n it today with the lovely... Erin. It was so funny. She had bugs all over her today. They were in her hair and everything! I felt so bad. Then to top it all off a bird came and shit on her. You un expect the expected... i guess. yeah we were both laughing. We were walking on the pier and we saw a group of guys and one looked familiar and so Erin goes... "Hi Zeb" then I looked away (knowing that that was defiantly not Zeb) Erin ... "Oh your not Zeb, oh ok well ah ... never mind then" OMG it was the funnest thing! We were just lying out and Erin was checking out these guys (kinda hot) right, so then she is like omg they are coming over. They introduced themselves and then we said our names. They asked us how old we were and we said you know 15 and then they started to laugh... they said that we look like we are 20 from a distance. they were 19 and 20. they talked with us for a while you know the old "do you drink" "do you have boyfriends" that whole deal and they went on there way. WEll i didn't know were they were sitting and so I saw my dad. he was leaving the beach and I thought I would say hi. so I ran accros the beach I yelled "DAD" "DAD WAIT" and the guys were just sitting right there. I didn't know then Erin was like they are right there, It was so funny! well Miranda was at Tylers all day so...(naughty girl). no I trust her. Well till next time. Good Day
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