I love the Backstreet Boys new cd!! :-D

Dec 06, 2005 00:55

My weekend was pretty fun

Friday had to school went to pre-school with my older sister then went to college with her it was fun! Then came home got ready went heathers we went to the mall and to get a movie we got the Banger sister! Then we went back to her house layed around and had a girls night and watching the movie stephaine came over to watch the movie and then left us then we went to bed! some how i woke up in the middle of the night and I was laying on the ground i was so confused i think i feel off heather bed thats like 4feet off the ground then got back up on her bed and shes like where were you im like on the ground and shes like im like idk then went back to bed! Then woke up saturday cuz she woke me up then my mom called and then my older sister call she picked me up then went to play with KC, Jetta, n' Rose and Ganzo the horse fed him and what not, then went to my hair appointment got my hair cut! :-D Then went back to feed the doggies and bring Ganzo into the barn then went to bergure king to get dinner to share then when to ColdStone to get icecream yummy then went babysitting it was so much fun the kids are so damn cute, then went to Wesco to get Slushy (pina colda) then got home around 2ish and went to bed! Then Sunday my mom woke me up around 8ish to get ready to go to church my little cousion was being baptisted then after that we to my anut for lunch and hung out there then came home got ready went to Real then came home! Then watched some Tv and went to bed!


Started new classes this week! Kinda excited for most of my classes! Expacally Parent Child Developement I'm pumped! ITs going to be so much fun and I love little kids :-D!! N yeah thats about it i have lunch with Heather yayayayayayayyayaya that's about it!

Its been 1 week :- / today would have been five month :-( i miss you and i love you i will forever


sammie jean
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