Apr 29, 2007 22:14
So in approximately one week- I'll be a graduate. How weird is that? I'm still uneasy about the whole thing, like I should pull a last minute, "Oh, but I never took this class, so I have to go back!" deal. Unfortunately I doubt that I'll be allowed to do that, so I'll just have to settle with trying my hand at graduate school. It's weird, but I feel like it's the natural step to just keep getting degrees. I'd love to eventually get a doctorate as well. In what- I'm not too sure, lol.
So that past few weeks have bled together for the most part. I remember editing my film for Anthro, writing my papers for Psych, studying for my Arch final, and just trying to get by. I have one more paper to do and that's it. It's for my other film class and it shouldn't be too bad, but I want to write an amazing paper. My professor's already told me that he watched the film I'm analyzing for the first time the other day and loved it so much he's including it in his class for the next semester. He said it encompassed everything he was trying to teach- so that felt nice... not that it puts any pressure on me for my paper, lol. I have five days to write this sucker out!
Other than that, I'm just busy basking in the glory of life. It's one of those times that I feel so blessed. I'm getting a degree in subjects I love, I'll be surrounded with friends I love, and my immediate future seems fairly well planned. I was always afraid of falling into a miserable abyss after college, but things are looking up! I'll spend the first half of summer helping to renovate the house and the second half of the summer I'll be back in Gville TAing a class. It's not exactly set in stone (no signed papers), but my professor told me to consider it a done deal. It's a psych class that I took about three years ago and I absolutely loved it! My psych prof this semester asked me to TA it this year when she teaches it and I think it'd be a cool opportunity. It's a summer B course with about 100 students- and she wants me to teach at least one day a week. I'm hoping that's negotiable because seriously- who gives me the right to teach others? Anyways, it'd be real nice because Rasha may also be in town for training and a class, so we'd be wreaking havoc as always. Good times.
So yeah, it's a crazy-busy week and I should really get started on this paper. So much to do!