May 10, 2010 00:08
Has it really been over a year? It was March of 2009 the last time I posted...but what a year we've had in this part of the country. An economy collapsed between the last time I posted and now...and the country, specifically the state, I live in has been in financial chaos. I've done alright through it all, but it's hard to watch others endure so much struggle.
Writing has been difficult, for multiple reasons, some entirely personal, others routine and boring, but I have gotten back in the game the last couple months. New chapters for familiar stories are being edited, and original creations are getting edited as well...although these probably wont see print anytime soon. Big Chicago is due for a post very shortly...followed by Echoes and The Office's final? chapter.
The kind words sent my way have been a blessing and have brought many smiles on otherwise rough days. My thansk belong to you all...both for patience, and for generosity of spirit.
Love and peace, Samael