May 10, 2005 16:16
Ok this was supposed to a response to Raiveran's post, but it was too long. So this is for her and any others who read my long winded rants.
Thank you.
Raiveran ..…. and all kiddies in attendance,
Indulge me for some minutes, if you’d be so obliged, as I write on the nature of an element of human psyche I like to call “the natural man”.
Now, The Natural Man (or TNM), male or female IS lazy and base in intellect and emotional concerns. He/She is self-gratifying, brutish and obvious in its displays of either sexual or physical dominance (Quite possibly both) and finally opportunistic and cowardly in its maintenance of its environment to the point of exploitation of others and/or its surroundings.
Why? WHY? That is the question……………….
I hypothesize it is because we as a human race are severed from our natural selves. We lost our natural-selves first to religious-politics (Catholic Theocracy and then New World Puritanism) and then by the start of the Industrial Revolution. We lost touch with Nature, Naturalism and the beneficial lessons and valuable roles of TNM as we, as human became urbanized.
City life, 20th century “Civilization”, generational religious conditioning, altered gender roles as well as the Neo-Conservative back lash to the naturalist pursuits of the 60’s and early 70’s all helped to maintain the present day negative outlook at the natural man. TNM is not a value in our modern 21st century world or in it’s economy, other than as labour that machines cannot do, soldiers, constabulary and athletes.
Ever wonder why Construction Workers, Marines, Police officers and jocks are looked down upon…… I don’t.
Ever wonder why People are Thankful for the Tradesman (Like those at the WTC), the D-Day Vets, Cops who keep the shit out of you neighbourhoods or praise Michael Jordan like a Basketball God….. I don’t.
It’s because all these people have touched an aspect of TNM and that power, yes that’s right I said FUCKING POWER, makes those who are not in touch with it scared. But when that Beast is loyal, helpful and comes in a clean package we all are indoctrinated to accept it, then it is seen as a good. Then is it, that the Natural Man is esteemed and valued.
So why does everyone else drink to excess? To feel that POWER, as Raiveran surmised.
It is for that sense of Beauty, Energy, Passion, Strength, Fearlessness, Drive and Courage. That sense of openness to the self and the invulnerability that comes with it, it is what we are missing and we are so willing to possibly hurt our selves and others to obtain it.
For all these reasons and more, are why drinking to excess is still tolerated. We all understand that we as females and males are missing something of our selves and that a great deal of our emotional selves is suppressed by societal design and self-denial. The drinker seeks an “acceptable” measure of self-exploration and release. And thus has the outlet of imbibing to facilitate his/her awakening of the Beast in and attempt to gain some sort of emotional security, physical gratification, or greater understanding of ones merits and limitations.
And Now the Beast……………..
The Beast, as I call it, is the Dark Side of TNM.
As an example I will show a good side or at least esteemed side of TNM and show a Beastly aspect of it. As found in various states of drunkenness.
Assertive - Intimidating
Blasé - Irresponsible
Boisterous - Loud
Desirous - Covetous
Dominant - Domineering
Lazy - Exploitive
Lusty - Wanton
Natural (in all its forms) - Vulgar
Physical - Violent
Proud - Selfish (only concerns self, ever)
Relaxed - Sloth (unwilling to even aid self)
Scathing - Abusive
Alright there’s a 12 pack.
Now the Beast is what most heavy drinkers turn into when they drink. Most people around them, as well as passersby, wish not to engage any individual - let alone a posse of werewolves who choose to transform via the bottle than by the full moon. TNM in these individuals is WILD. It is savage, self-gratifying and violent. This is that girl or guy who you notice a quick and most certainly irreversible mood swing after the 3rd or 4th drink. The Beast has over ridden TNM’s tendencies to explore limitations and the emotional self and now rides roughshod over anything that gets in the way of base natural pursuits.
And yes, dear reader, deny if you will however, fornicating, eating/consuming, bullying and killing are our most PRIMAL (and poorest) aspects of our natural states. As are lying, hiding, and running away from responsibility.
It is here that we encounter the full cycle of our natures as we explore TNM, as well as the riddle of alcoholism. First the cycle in 4 parts.
1.We are, presently, unhappy with ourselves in our present state of mind and wish to explore other realms of thought and emotional /mental being.
2. We seek a tangible method of discovery. That being any earthly pursuit that we feel is low risk and takes minimal resources and effort to achieve a new sensation, way of thought, perception, release, altered consciousness, ect.
3. We explore our new perceptions to the fullest. Making errors along the way. And then the experience ends. We either learned something from the exercise and move on other methods of self-discovery or…….
4. We glean very little in the way of the exercise and thus only seek the altered state and thus return to Part 1.
Once alcohol is added to the equation the only real matter that this variable grants is …. “Do I drink for the high or for the knowledge of myself that it grants?” One answer is for TNM the other is for the Beast.
So there you have it Kiddies…………..
Man or Beast? Naturalist of Werewolf. Which one are you?
I know what I am…… That’s why I don’t drink.
And if you can’t seem to come to a clear answer for yourself, may I suggest that you stop drinking for 3 months so you are of sober mind to find out.
Better that then finding out you’re the Alpha in a company of wolves.
I pray for the suffering alcoholic.
I pray for the return of the enlightened natural man.
I pray for the seekers.