Will is going to be very pleased to know that I have
LET IT GO. What so annoyed me yesterday is now nothing more than an anectdote that I will share with the other crowd*. Those people who don't know Bobby and the...oh I'm not continuing with that line again. Too much hassle. I'm over it.
But man - do I wish I could tell you about it. I'm quite sure the person in question does not read this, but I just can't take a chance. World of shit, that's what it would cause. Might be worth it though.
OK, maybe I've only partly let it go.
My neighbors Chawn** came over last night. Will is out of town, I was feeling a bit moody, a bit lonely. They came over and we talked about the toilet that is being installed in the basement this weekend. Which means we had to install flooring. And you can't install a toilet without a sink - have to wash your hands. And where is the towel rack going to go? On the wall. Have to stud the walls. Then drywall. But wait - if we're doing ALL THAT, wouldn't it make sense to install a shower as well?
I went from moody and lonely to overwhelmed in about 3 minutes. In the end, I decided on a half-bath only. The configuration is such that to fit all three, I'm looking at a basement bathroom that's about 100 sq. feet. Which is pretty frigging large for a basement bathroom. My basement really isn't that big to support that.
So this morning I am going to the gym, and then to Home Depot to pick out and buy the flooring. And this weekend you'll hear a lot of swearing coming from my house.
PS. I just got a txt message from Will saying, "Let it go." I responded with, "You are so predictable."
* Other crowd.. It's useful to keep friends separate so you can talk about one group to the other without feeling guilty.
**Chawn. Chad & Dawn. I make nicknames for a lot of my friends.