
Jul 12, 2008 09:37

I think I have come to the conclusion that if I wait for inspiration, it doesn't ever come. Instead I decided this morning to force it by telling myself that I can't leave the computer until I write something about that silly race. Yes- that's very clever of me I think. Prisoner myself in front of the computer. Like I need a lock and key for computer time. Sorry honey, I can't cook dinner, I'm on a blogging deadline. Here is the number for Pizza Hut.

So the race - a week ago now and all I can say is, a 10k, 6.2 miles, that ain't shit. Three months ago the idea of traveling 6.2 miles without being in a motorized conveyance put the fear of blisters in me, but today? Cake.

For posterity, or to remind myself the next time I decide to sign up for a race in order to get healthy, over the last 3 months I have had: the two shin splints, UTI (antibiotic), strep throat (antibiotic), ongoing sinus infection (currently starting week #4 of this round of antibiotic) (and it's not that easy running with constant nasal drainage), coughing, wheezing, and a f'ed up shoulder. It is also not that easy to run while anemic, where all you want to do is nap. Sorry honey, I can't cook dinner, it's 4pm and past my bedtime. I have had quite a lot of blood drawn, and been tested for internal bleeding, put on two steroids and one hormone. I am currently 15 pounds heavier. (Who the hell starts running twenty miles a week and GAINS weight?)

The coup de grace was a groin pull the Saturday before the race, which required me to heavily self-medicate the morning of the race to run pain-free (and then wonder, why are there hives all over my arms....oh maybe I just overdosed?) I have been limping ever since and pointing out to my family how I participated in the race with such an injury - oh and would they please hand me my tea and change the channel? It's just a trifle too cold in here, could I have a blanket please? Oh I'm so sorry, now I'm too warm, turn the fan on, love?

All kidding aside, I loved the race. I can see where the momentum of the runners will carry you along where personal will fails. Shea was a trooper; never being one to love running and not having trained enough to run the distance, she continued on while her face showed exhaustion. Originally I had thought to run at my own pace and meet her at the finish line, but the sight of 55,000 people changed my mind instantly and we ran side by side. Once I decided to throw out my time goal, we enjoyed the race, yelling at people on the side of the road, and even stopping once to get t-shirts thrown at us by vendors.

I am absolutely doing it again next year and have been looking at other 10k's and half-marathons over the next few months. I do not enjoy running and I am incredibly slow. I have never once gotten the runners high; I hate how sick and achy I have been. I will never be one of those people who can run forever and I don't have any great meditative thoughts while out there.

But I loved it and will get back out there next week.

Couple pictures:

On MARTA at 6am:

The shirt Will bought me:

The shirt!

I hate this bathroom.

Race Photos (Currently unavailable as of this writing but should come up soon.)
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