(no subject)

Oct 24, 2013 13:11

I'm doing a lot better than I was before, it's kind of strange, it's been over a month since I've been here and the term is almost over, but I'm actually starting to enjoy it now. I have a developing group of friends at Hampstead who I wouldn't trust with my life yet, but they're nice to hang out with, and I have my American friend Amy who I hangout with a lot, and she's awesome and we have biology class together and she laughs at me when I can't say words correctly, but laughing in a good way. Classes have also settled down, theyre still really really hard, but I'm getting my bearings, and my crazy mixed up Sameera high jinks are getting more and more managable and damage controlable. I still have yet to be in another country other than England, but I have stayed in my aunties house who lives about 2 hours from london and that was a nice experience. The popcorn in the movie theaters have no butter (it was weird to type theater and not theatre even though I've never written/typed the latter) which i think is crazy and its still expensive out the heezy at a time when my family cant really afford this heezy, but its getting better and I'm learning to eat cheaper, travel cheaper, buy cheaper. I have friends here that will laugh at me when i dont know the words and they want me to go out (even though i know they just say that because im a bore and i hate it when i go out) and I know that even when I let myself fall so so low is when I can see the most beautiful things of all. Because in pain comes beauty and it made me decide what was really important to me in life, and so many of these little things that were going on werent important. So even though sometimes I'm lonely, or I'll feel dopey, or I'm completely a mess, I'm good, I'm really really good.
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