Jul 06, 2007 15:40
ok, so some of us are getting older. let's be honest, all of us are getting older. it means a great many things to a great many people. to MOST people, however, with age comes more responsibility, comes the realization that we are finite beings, and, because of that, we our are minds on the realistic tasks that will lead us towards our realistic goals. often times, the pursuit of this, be it the post-college chasing of a career, the desire and drive to make art that gets accepted and out there, the action you put behind trying to change the world, trying to help people causes us to become so enveloped in our day to day activities that we quite simply forget to be inspired. so many times, too, people replace their youthful dreams of wild wonder, dreams of gandeur and fantasy, with what they perceive to be "older" dreams, dreams of buying houses, of having families, of getting new cars, new clothes, watching more tv shows, see more art, reading more books. all of these things are fine... totally respectable dreams... but i'd have to say, i sincerely think that the most common mistake in life that people make, when getting older, is abondoning those dreams that once kept them up all night as a kid. fucking cheesy as it sounds, i sincerely believe it to be true. pursuing a dream for the sake of finding out how it feels, not for any end goal... being fully inspired, being fully yourself, just pouring yourself into it for no reason other than you WANT to.
listening to plaid's tekkon kinkreet soundtrack and i'd have to say, at least with the perspective i have by listening to this amazing work right now, that its one of the most stunning and beautiful bodies of electronic music ever assembled.