Jul 22, 2008 11:05
Well I have finally found a little bit of time to update we will see how long it will be.
First off I had Isabelle Grace on Sat. morning July 19th at 4:51am. She was 3 weeks early but is doing great.
About the other post I had been posting. I had went to have a ultrasound about 2weeks ago on a wed. the next day I got a call from the tech, that did the u/s and he said the main radiologist wanted some more pics but it wasnt anything to worry about. So this past wed. I went to my doc then over to have the new u/s. When I was in there the head guy come in and done it himself. He told us Isabelle had a aneurism in her cord. That more than likely I would have to have a c-section b/c they wouldnt want anything pressing on her belly. That night we called a lady that had worked in ob at norton for a long time and asked her if she knew anything about that and what she thought. Well she thought it was very dangerous and that I should demand to have a c-section the next day. So the next day I called my doc. and asked to see him. Me and mom went up there and by the time I got there he had me a apoointment to see a Specialist who looks at u/s to see what he thought. So on Friday we got up and I wasnt felling so good but we headed toward Holston Valley. By the time I got there I was having contractions coming every 10min. He did the u/s and thought it was alright, but he couldnt be sure if that was what it was or some how the artery looped inside the cord. Before he let me leave he checked to see if I was dilated, and I was 1cm. He said if I was anymore he was sending me to Holston Valley for them to do a c-section b/c she had flipped and was breach in 2 days. But I wasnt so he sent me back to Big Stone and told me to go straight to the hospital. When I arrived there they was anywhere from 3-4min apart and getting stronger. My doc came over and said he wanted to send me to Johnson City, to have a Pediatric Surgeon on hand if something was wrong. So after being there about a hour I would say I was in a ambulance on my way to Johnson City.
When I arrived there they was doing a work up on me and checked to see how I was dilating I was at 3cm. but they thought they felt her head. So they ran and got a u/s machine and sure enough it was her head. So she had flipped again in a couple hours. The doc came in and was talking to us about the aneurism, they was doing research while I was on my way and she is or may have been the 9th baby in the world to be born with that, but truely we will probably never know if that is what it was or not bc after you cut the cord the artery dries and and goes away. They didnt think it was a big deal with delivering vaginally so, that is how I had her. at 3:00 sat. morning I was at 5 at a few min after 4:00 I was at 10. at 4:51 she graced us with her presence. They had neonatal down there to check her out and she also had a u/s done on her belly and everything was great. While they were cleaning her up and finishing up with me they had doc. at a table where they disected the cord and placenta. That was pretty wild to see. They let me out Sunday morning and both of us are great and I thank God for nothing bad being wrong, for no c-section and for all the great ppl at Johnson City Medical, they were great.
I think that is about it and thanks to the ppl who was thinking about us.
I am trying to get pics on myspace I have a few but I havent got my camera charged up and ready so they are just pics my family have taken.