Second Entry

Mar 24, 2009 23:23

Well, it seems that I may have been spending too much time in the greenhouse. I hadn't realized all the drama my fellow students go through until now. Serves me right for keeping my head in the clouds. My Ol'Gaffer would have a thing or two to say if he knew I was spending too much with plants, he loved plants too but he knew that you needed social ( Read more... )

pipeweed, drama, relaxing

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80smusicforever March 25 2009, 03:59:21 UTC
*while checking the Common room to be sure the students aren't acting up or doing anything they 'shouldn't be'*

*pauses, looks over, raises an eyebrow, sighs and clearly doesn't want to say anything...*

... Kid... You sure you should be doing that in here..?

[[OOC: In case you didn't know or didn't remember, the Hufflepuff Common room is underground... ^.^; Though I figure Sam's probably sitting near the fireplace... Also, Sam!!! OMG Sam! <3 much wonderfulness!]]


sam_wisebrave March 25 2009, 04:05:34 UTC
Doing what? I'm not doing anything wrong, just sitting here enjoying the night. Can't someone enjoy himself a little after a good day's work and a good night's feast?

[[OOC: It's Paul!!! I remember you quite fondly when I was Van Helsing...especially when you were a pie! And yes he is by the fireplace.]]


80smusicforever March 25 2009, 06:16:16 UTC
... As much as I loathe to say it, if I don't someone might object and then I'll get yelled at for not doin' my job...

*gestures to the smoking pipe*
While I don't object to smoking in the least, it's probably not something you should do in the enclosed Common Room... Perhaps outside or by a window somewhere might be best..?

[[OOC! Yes, it is I! \o/ ROFLMAO!! And I remember you as well, it's awesome to see you back, especially with another awesomely fun character! LoL. >.> And don't mention the pie incident... Shhhhh.... o.o *snicker* The Muse doesn't approve of people remembering.]]


sam_wisebrave March 25 2009, 12:26:13 UTC
If I am to go outside how am I suppose to enjoy it before heading up to bed? Oh alright, maybe a smoke out by the stars would be more relaxing than in here anyway.

[[OOC: But we had so much fun with the pies. Should ask Piper to do it again!]]


80smusicforever March 25 2009, 17:23:06 UTC
Well... Personally I find it a bit more relaxing to do sitting by a window, but that's just me...
Heh, and yah, it's a bummer ta not enjoy it and then just wander off to bed less than ten feet away, but at least if ya do it outside no one 'll fault ya for it, yanno?

'Sides, you can still go to bed after, 'n perhaps seeing the night sky will make it all the more relaxing.

... I could even keep ya company to be sure no one harasses you about 'curfew' or none of that junk...

[[OOC: That makes my muse go "YEEK!". ROFLMAO, it could be funny though!]]


sam_wisebrave March 25 2009, 21:09:36 UTC
Hmm...that does sound nice. Heck, I can even get you some of the Longbottom Leaf I grow, I'll plant another row, if you want. The stuff is amazing and the best from the Southfarthing!


80smusicforever March 27 2009, 01:34:28 UTC
Doesn't it?

*mildly startled and hopeful* You could, huh? That would be really nice, actually...

*sighs and frowns slightly* Well... Maybe not... *depressed/slightly uncomfortable about it* I'm kinda trying to quit...

... My girl doesn't like the habit...


sam_wisebrave March 27 2009, 02:03:32 UTC
Hmmm...I see. I know that this stuff isn't like the muggle version, tobacco. It is a bit healthier, that's what my Ol'Gaffer says anyway and he's a pretty trustworthy person.

But what doesn't she like about it? It doesn't hurt anyone and I know I only do it before bed or with friends.


80smusicforever March 27 2009, 03:05:03 UTC
*perks up a bit and looks hopeful*
Really, huh? ... Perhaps she would understand about it then...

*quiet sigh, shrug*
Honestly I don't know... She herself rarely objects, but her friends have told me she hates it... I think the smell of the smoke bothers her in some way... Though I like it, personally...


sam_wisebrave March 27 2009, 03:28:24 UTC
Hmmm...that must be mighty rough, Professor Paul. Maybe you should bring it up with her. I find friends sometimes can not always catch the right meaning of things.


80smusicforever March 27 2009, 03:42:09 UTC
It is... *shrugs, runs his fingers through his hair, scratches his head and looks confused* I have, and I thought she was ok with it... She even bought me some flavored pipe tobacco for this last Christmas, it smells and tastes real nice...

*quiet laugh, shrug* 'N I would ask but she's been busy lately is all... And so I dunno...

But perhaps... The stuff you've got definitely doesn't smell quite the same... Perhaps if I tried it she wouldn't mind..?


sam_wisebrave March 27 2009, 15:28:49 UTC
Maybe she wouldn't, couldn't hurt to try...


80smusicforever March 27 2009, 22:08:02 UTC
*curious sniff*
... The stuff you're smoking certainly smells nice... Definitely nothing like the stuff I normally smoke...

So, sure... If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I would definitely appreciate if you could get me some of it...

... And of course if it turns out my girl doesn't like it, I know of someone who would love the stuff, 'n I could even pay you a little or something if you needed it..? *friendly offer*


sam_wisebrave March 29 2009, 04:35:48 UTC
I sure will, I'll go down to the greenhouse and plant another row asap.

I don't mind doing it for free but if you feel you must, I guess it's alright.


80smusicforever March 29 2009, 04:50:38 UTC
Mmm, wonderful... Thank you!

Aah, don't think too much of it, you're doing this from you're own supplies and stuff, right? So I'm just paying you back for the potential expense of the supplies and all... It just seems better that way I think...

And also, as I said... I could keep you company if you need it when you go outside to smoke... Though on weekends I recommend an alcove up on the 4th floor, there's a window seat there and no one tends to get too close to that area on weekends...
Ya know, if you ever are running 'late' and have to worry about curfew anyway.


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