Today, January 21, is the last day to post prompts for
sam_will_stuff. You can post them
here. We have about forty already (which is great for a community of fourteen!) but I think you guys might have a few more in you. Anything you want!
Also, there is still a post up
here for you to get to know each other. Not mandatory by any means, but have fun with it.
Finally, here's a quick review of the schedule for the thingy:
January 23: At some point, I will put up the prompt claiming post. Start with one, and you are more than welcome to go back and claim as many as you want following that. Remember, one of your stories has to be over 500 words. After that, they can be as short as you want (or as long as you want!) and you can also do art and stuff. Whatever, I am flexible, obviously.
March 1: Stories are due! All of them! If you need an extension, I will probably give it to you. I'm pretty nice.
March 7-8: Drabble fest! More information on that to come. Once I, you know, make it up.
Anyway, I'm totally psyched that we're up to fourteen members (and fifteen watchers!) because I really thought the community was going to top off at about eight.