Dec 11, 2004 09:19
So far, the holidays have been pretty much boring and uneventful.
Except for:
Hype and the Insurgents playing at Zebz last night, lots of fun, and although there wasn't much of a crowd to surf, i went crowdsurfing anyways ^_^ Did lots of moshing, er, i mean, 'socializing' ^^
Timeout sessions, im probably one of the most well known people in the columbo arcade, which is fair enough, considering ddr is my life...
Did i say that out loud? >_>
Lol, as i went out of the arcade yesterday, i had to say goodbye to a good 6-8 regulars there, and the staff wanted to say bye as well... Hehe, im that well known, and it rulz :D
Although im not on the net much, I'm still managing my life well :)
"I'll be back soon, dont you all worry :)"
For now though, im going out to Timout as per usual, in 3-4 hours, to meet steph, luke, and... damnit, im so bad with names >_>;
Hope your life is going as well, if not better, than mine is at the moment :)