Hello people, I've out for a long time, I know it. Here in Málaga is sunny and very hot, it isn't a excuse, but do you think I can think clearly when outside it's 30ª C in the shadow? NO, I can't, so here I am, there's some fresh air today and I have a lot of thing to write here.
It have been commented until there was nothing more to say, but I say nothing about it, that why I'm going to do it now:
The chapter one is fast, really I've reading a lot about moody, but I felt worse for Hedwing, the poor Hedwing, She was there since the first Book and everyone is mourning after moody, who was barely know, the seven potter was a good distraction, a pity than the real harry use the expeliarmus charm, The subplot about the wands was wonderful done.
I have to say that Hermione have guts, she made her parents move to Australia and forget her, I don't want to have her as a enemy, She do what she has to do, and that made me fear her.
The forest and the ministry of magic are very hard, I like the ministry part but for the forest, I'm not so sure,I ask the same question than a lot more people why they didn't put the locket in the bag?, The only answer I can see is the locket was influencing then. I think if Ron last more time to appear, hermione and Harry would have parted ways.
When they got the sword is brilliant and everything escales until the howarts war, it was wonderfull to see the entire castle fights against Voldemorlt.
Special mention deserve Dumbledore, he wasn't perfect, and in this book you see that he is after all human.
- I bought in Amazon the especial edition of Angel, it's a wonderful box with the five season inside, I think a love it. But it a very bad thing go to amazon with money, because I spend a lot there, like the two copies of Serenity I get the last week.
- I probably get another a more permanent work were I'm working now, so I will works more time for more or less the same money.
The last thing is yesterday was the Luckykaa Birthday:
Happy birthday