Apr 30, 2009 21:41
I got to say this week has been hell. For starters I had to go to the doctor last week thursday do to some complications I am having. Then all week I've benn arguing with my ex-mother-in-law. I hate the way when I speak to her she gets everything twisted. You say one thing but because she did't like the way it sounded she has to make it sound like what she wants it to be. I really hate when people can't accept what was told to them. I'm having issues with my mom again. To begin with me and my mom don't have a very good relationship. When I was growing up my father (who is deceased) molested me and she has been in denail about the situation for almost twenty years. It still bothers me too this day I have nightmares and cry about it. I have taught myself to push it to the back burner because I have to take care of my three loves. I just hate the fact that she has to call me a liar . I remeber the day i sat at the kitchen table and spilled my guts while cring my eyes out telling my mom everything that my dad was doing to me and everything that he was doing behind her back. All I wanna know is why would a little girl go to their mom and tell them such horrific things and be lying. I can never let the pain go. It will always be inside of me and I sometimes have a hard time dealing with it. My brother had the nerve to tell me that if my dad did those horrific things to me then why was I so close to him. I was close to him because I knew no better. He was there for me. My mom wasn't. What did I know. When he passed I cried for days. I was releved that the torture finally was done. There was no more fake sleeping in the morning. No more being afraid of going in the bathroom for anything. Yes I miss him but I am glad his gone. Why do people do such horrific things to children? How can they live with themselves? Any feedback would be nice