Fragments of my Heart 6 1/2

Jan 18, 2011 20:05

Title: Fragments of my Heart
Author: sam_theninja24
Pairing: Onkey
Genre: Romance, drama, supernatural
Rating: R
Summary: When I was assigned to guard the demon Kim Kibum, everything changed. Now, because of him, I’m picking up the fragments of my heart.

I’m a proud soldier and I don’t regret anything I did in Gefrorenberge, despite the fact that any normal person would. I also don’t regret falling in love with the demon, Kim Kibum. He made me who I am today.

Minho sighed and ran a hand through his hair in frustration, cursing under his breath. I was seriously beginning to think that maybe the best possible choice in this situation was to just take off and think up an excuse for it later, Kibum had been alone in his cell for several hours, who knows what he might have done. I decided against it though, hoping that a couple more minutes wouldn’t hurt and I could just wait until this disagreement was finished. Minho looked between me, Taemin, and the soldier who was awkwardly standing in between all of this, starting to notice that he may have appeared at a wrong time. He opened his mouth to speak, but Minho held up a hand, silencing him.

“It’s fine. I’ll go visit him.” The soldier bowed and grinned, happy that he hadn’t come screaming for nothing and wasn’t going to be sent away with nothing to return with.

“Thank you, we just needed someone who would know a little about him.” Minho sighed and nodded, understanding. He turned away from the soldier to me, Taemin shooting angry looks at us as he did so. He put a hand on my shoulder,

“We can talk about it later, even though I was hoping to tell you now.” I just nodded, waiting for him to leave so I could get to Kibum as quickly as possible. He then looked at Taemin, eyes narrowing angrily.

“We’ll talk later too.” Taemin looked down at his feet, kicking around the dirt beneath him. Minho turned away from him sharply, nodded in my direction, and swiftly walking away, following the soldier who brought the bad news. The silence left behind was extremely awkward and I took a step backward, believing that this was the time to make my escape. Before I could leave though, Taemin’s hand shot out from his side and grasped my arm, painfully ripping my hand from its shelter within my pocket. When his eyes fell on my disgustingly mangled hand, his hand dropped from my arm and flew to his mouth.

“Oh my- oh my g-god.” He stuttered, retching several times before he spoke again. “Are you okay? I mean, what happe-”

“I’m fine. It’s nothing.” I replied, gently gliding the hand back safely into my pocket. I looked at his face, white as a sheet. He had such a weak stomach, why was this little boy even a soldier in the first place? “Taemin, why are you a soldier.”

“I-I’m a soldier because, why do you want to know?” He said, stuttering a little, snapping at me slightly.

“I was merely asking because I was surprised. You have such a weak stomach, which most wouldn’t consider fit for a soldier to have.”

“Well I don’t give a shit was most think, I’m here because I wanted to stay with Minho. Not because I want to kill people.” He said angrily, still glaring at me. I just nodded, understanding. He and Minho must be in a relationship and even though I wanted to, I decided not to pry any further. I needed to get to Kibum anyway; I didn’t have any more time to waste on this drama. I was really hoping I wouldn’t get sucked further into it.

“I get it, I won’t pry any further. I’ll just be leav-”

“No. You listen.” This kid was starting to piss me off, ordering me around like that. Who the hell did he think he was? He was wasting my time anyway, I honestly didn’t care what he had to say to me, so he might as well just shut up. Maybe others cared about what the little punk had to say, but I sure as hell didn’t.

“Why should I? I don’t want to listen to anything you have to say, don’t you get it already? You piss me off and I it’s was pretty obvious I didn’t like you, so I honestly don’t give a fuck what you have to say to me.” Normally I was calm about things like this, but this kid was seriously angering me and this place really knew how to mess with a person’s mind.

“Excuse me? Is this how you always talk to people you don’t really know? You better get your filthy hands off of my Minho, you asshole.” I smirked,

“What happens if he cant keep his hands off me, Taemin? What then? There’s nothing I can do about that.” We stared at each other for a couple seconds, me relatively calm, Taemin shaking angrily.

“Fuck off.” He spat, turning from me and stomping away, furious. I had the strange urge to laugh at the kid, but realized I didn’t have the time to stand around like an idiot, laughing. So I too walked away, in the opposite direction, the snow crunching loudly beneath my feet. I didn’t even know what season it was anymore, it looked to me like it was this snowy all year round here. I mean, we were at the top of a mountain in an already freeing cold area. I was beginning to wonder how exactly the people who drove the helicopters did it in all this snow, they must have to go through pretty intense training. Not that I didn’t, I just cant imagine driving in weather like this mountain’s. I wasn’t a good driver in the first place, but a helicopter would be a total disaster.

I stopped at the entrance to my building and quickly went through the security precautions, quick enough so that I could get to Kibum, but not fast enough to miss any key steps in the process. After stepping inside I quickly ran to my room, or was it our room? I didn’t know, but it sounded weird saying it like that. Our room. After trying my best to speed through the other set of security precautions, I slowly stepped into the room. Half expecting Kibum to jump out and rip me two shreds, but also hoping that he would be sleeping (or something similar, as long as he wasn’t ripping my throat out) in his cell. When nothing happened, I took another step into the darkness and glanced over at my folding chair, where bandages now sat. I guessed it might’ve been Minho, I didn’t know of anyone else who would do that sort of thing for me. My thoughts where interrupted by Kibum’s voice, softer than it normally was.

“I heard about what they did to you.” I wasn’t the best at reading emotions, but I could sense the hints of anger and affection in his voice. I could feel my cheeks burning and quickly responded, before abruptly walking to my fold out chair and sitting down. I sat hunched over, praying that my face was hidden from his amazingly sharp vision.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about it. I’ll survive.”

“Well, I guess that’s good.” I nodded, my throat tightening and heart pounding. I denied my embarrassment, telling myself that his niceness had caught me off guard and that there was nothing wrong with the way I was currently feeling. I started to wonder whether or not I should take advantage of his niceness and go to sleep, maybe then he wouldn’t get out and kill me in my sleep. Not that he ever had, but that didn’t make me any less nervous sleeping in the same room with him.

“I’m going to slee-”

“You know, Lee Jinki. Demons may be very good at hiding feelings, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have them. I’m not going to kill you, yet.” He said, chuckling lightly under his breath and I shivered at his words. Of course his ‘niceness’ wouldn’t last. “Come here. I’ll bandage it for you, and if you want…I could even heal it.”

“I’m fine.” The last thing I needed was him ‘healing’ my hand, I knew he wouldn’t actually do something like that. He’d probably perform some of his demon magic shit and curse my hand, while he was supposedly healing the thing. But of course, he wouldn’t just let it go because that’s not what Kim Kibum does.

“No. Come here.” I sighed, why on earth did he want do bandage my hand? He didn’t really seem like the caring type. I didn’t move for a couple moments, thinking it over. I eventually decided it was best to just go over on my own because if I didn’t, he’d probably find a way get me over to him anyway. With different methods, one’s I wasn’t too keen on finding out about. So I reluctantly pulled myself from my chair and shuffled over to his cell, holding the clean bandages that had been sitting on my chair and stopping about a foot away. His face suddenly came into view, emerging from the prison’s darkness. He pressed himself against the bar and reached out, gently grasping my still bleeding hand. I grimaced, it was still sensitive from the torture it had receive hours before.

I decided to take the risk of looking at his face, cautiously, the last time it had been unbelievably frightening. But, to my surprise, his expression was actually slightly gentle. He inspected my hand before tenderly turning it over and taking the bandages from my other hand. I watched him intently, amazed by just how careful he was being. I think that might have been when I first started falling in love with him, completely unaware of the problems that would ensue.

A/N: Felt crappy for not posting when I said I would, but I'm not done... so here's the first half okay? Other half should be done soon... should. >.<

rating: r, fanfic, onkey, shinee

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