Ahah, hah. What a kick. I've always loved what an amusmement you were!
Yet, how much I would love to kindly tell you to 'fuck off..'
So with love, regards, best wishes and any other sweet fixation of text that would help you come out of this a bit more optomistic to your plausible future with other girls than I could otherwise make this:
sam, i truly dont know how to tell you how i feel, i care for you alot, your so perfect in everyway
Ahah, hah. What a kick.
I've always loved what an amusmement you were!
Yet, how much I would love to kindly tell you to 'fuck off..'
So with love, regards, best wishes and any other sweet fixation of text that would help you come out of this a bit more optomistic to your plausible future with other girls than I could otherwise make this:
Please, do FUCK OFF.
People don't change.
They fake. They distort.
They lie.
ex-oh, ex-oh.
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