Rage or was its something else

Feb 17, 2011 00:00

Title:Rage or was it something else
Parings: Sam/Castiel/Dean
Disclaimer:I do not own these guys but i do love them
A huge Thank you to my Beta... asher_k  for putting up with me this was my first attempt at writing.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw Dean still sleeping; understandable, considering the fact that they had been driving for more than fourteen hours, but God, sometimes Sam wished his brother wasn’t afraid of planes. He knew that what he was thinking of doing was wrong, but it was the only thing he had been able to think about… Damn angels. He needed to talk to Castiel.

Glancing over his shoulder one more time, just to make sure his brother was still asleep, Sam took a deep breath and called out a soft prayer:

“Castiel, are you there? We-I need to talk to you about something. Please.”

Sam opened his eyes and looked around for any sign of Castiel; he knew it was pointless to close them while he prayed, but he always did it anyway. He frowned. That angel sure took his sweet time to answer; that was another thing that he was going to have to talk to him about. He had taken the time to pray, and the least the angels could do was take the time to listen. His anger started building-it had been there all day, simmering, as he’d felt uncomfortable déjà vu at everything. He needed to find out why he was feeling it, and the only one he could ask was Castiel.

Speak of the devil, he thought as he turned to find Castiel tilting his head in that “What do you want” expression of his.

“Sam. You called. Is something wrong?” Castiel asked as he looked Sam over.

“Cas,” Sam said at once. “We need to talk.” He took a breath and splayed his hands at his sides. “I-I feel so lost right now. I have this feeling-I’m so…filled with rage. What is going on?”

Castiel looked at Sam sympathetically. He knew what was going on; it was what he had warned Dean about. Sam’s wide eyes were haunted by his memories of Hell, but Castiel didn’t know what to say to make it any easier. Instead, he said: “Sam, you were in Hell. It’s a vile place that scars the soul. You need to fight your rage.”

Satisfied that he had been of some help, he turned to leave.

Sam grabbed Castiel’s shoulders, holding him easily enough; his anger had reached its boiling point. He had asked for Castiel’s help and been brushed aside like it was nothing, like he was nothing. “Do you have any idea,” he whispered roughly into Castiel’s ear, “what your brothers did to me?”

All that pain, the brutal, soul-searing agony, had been seeping through Death’s wall, and now he knew who he needed to share that with. Shoving Castiel at the trunk of the Impala, Sam put his hand over the other man’s mouth and hissed, “This is what your brothers did to me, Cas. They used me in every way they could.” He groped his hands down Castiel’s sides as he spoke. “They punished me, and they used me, over and over and over.”

Years of practice at being on constant alert woke Dean as the car trembled; he immediately looked into the rearview mirror and saw… That couldn’t be right. It looked like someone was making out on his car.

Sam kept talking as he unfastened Castiel‘s pants. “I’ll show you, Cas. I’ll show you what your brothers did. They held me down and used me as their toy.” Shoving his hand into Castiel’s pants and grabbing him, he whispered: “Now I’m gonna fuck you the same way they fucked me. Over, and over.”

Dean looked closer. That wasn’t just anyone making out it on his car; that was Sam and Castiel, and holy shit, were they ever making out! Even feeling like a voyeur, Dean couldn’t take his eyes off the mirror.

Castiel tried to fight Sam to no avail; he was too strong. Biting his lip, Castiel tried to talk, but with Sam’s hand still over his mouth, the only sound that came out was a muffled moan. Sam shoved Castiel’s pants down and pushed him forward.

“They used me to vent all their frustrations. They poured all their hate into me, used me as their ‘vessel.’ Now I’m going to use you.” He pushed his fingers into Castiel‘s mouth. “Suck them,” he snapped, grinding his cock against his ass. “Suck ‘em good. I want you wet when I fuck you.”

Whoa, Dean thought as his cock twitched. He knew he should say something, or do something, somehow let them know he was awake, but he had never seen anything so hot. Cas was bent over his baby’s trunk, his cock leaking drops of pre-come on it while he sucked on Sam’s fingers, and Dean didn’t dare move; his hardening cock was begging for attention, but he just watched as Sam pulled his fingers from Cas‘s mouth and put his lips to his ear.

“One or two, Cas?” he whispered.

All Castiel could do was moan, his cock rubbing the cool metal of the Impala. “Just do it,” he panted. “Use me like they used you.”

“Fuck.” Sam thrust two fingers deep into Castiel’s ass; the tight heat made him want to thrust more than his fingers, but he wanted to make it last. “Tell me, Cas,” he growled. “Tell me how much you want it.”

Castiel could feel that this was more than Sam merely using him; it was Dean he had been sent to protect, but it was Sam he needed to save. He had always known it. He had known as soon as Sam had grabbed him what would happen, and he knew he wanted it, no matter how wrong. Sam interrupted his thoughts as he pulled his fingers out, biting down on his neck.

“I’m going to fuck you, Cas,” he said roughly. “Hold on.” Shoving him forward again, Sam gripped his hips and buried his cock in one deep thrust. Castiel bit his lip and arched against the Impala as Sam rammed into him, making his cock grinding against the trunk.

Dean felt the car rock forward with the momentum of Sam’s thrust; to see Castiel arching and grinding against the trunk almost made him come right there. This was seriously the hottest things he had ever seen.

Sam’s arms flexed as he held Castiel, thrusting again slowly. Castiel wasn’t fighting him anymore; he briefly wondered why, but he would have to think about that later. Right now, he just needed to come. Castiel was so tight it almost hurt, but damn was it amazing. Reaching around, he slid his hand up and down Castiel’s cock, making him moan loudly.

“Cas,” he panted. “You’re so fucking tight… Feels like heaven.”

Castiel arched his neck back, locking his eyes with Sam’s before he reached up and pulled Sam’s head down. It was too sloppy to be called a kiss, mashing their mouths together, but to Castiel, it was perfect. He needed to come so badly, but Sam wasn’t giving him enough friction; grinding his hips forward, begging with his body, Castiel waited for Sam to let him come.

Dean knew Cas was close to coming; he could see his cock, an angry red color, dripping pre-come as Sam rubbed it on the trunk, making Cas moan as he thrust into him. The look on Sam’s face was one of pure bliss. Dean almost gave into his need to touch himself when Sam sucked Castiel’s lip between his and moaned:

“Come with me.”

Castiel had been waiting for that permission. He shot thick ropes of come all over the trunk, hitting the rear window; Sam almost screamed as his orgasm ripped through him moments later, Castiel’s body tightened around his cock like a vice and making his hips stutter along with his heart. He collapsed against Castiel with the last shudders of his orgasm.

Dean had never come without being touched before, and he couldn’t believe how hot that scene had just made him. He resumed pretending to sleep, the front of his pants soaked with warm come; he would definitely be jerking off to this memory later.

Slowly backing away, Sam pulled out of Castiel, suddenly overcome with shame; he couldn’t look at the angel now. He would never be forgiven for this.

Castiel watched as Sam straightened up and tried to smooth out his clothes. He knew what Sam was thinking, it was etched all over his face; he would have to be the one to make this better.

“Sam,” he tried. “This, us…”

He stammered to a stop. This wasn’t the time. He couldn’t not forgive Sam; his own wanton feelings had him reeling with fondness and affection for the boy, but that was his burden, not Sam’s. With one last sorrowful glance, he left as quietly as he had come.

sam/dean/other, livejournal, welcome, spn

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