May 08, 2006 20:30

The loves and peeves of the best show ever since ST:TNG and X-Files Stargate Atlantis.

It has been quite a while since I have obsessed with a show as I have with SGA. There was StarTrek: The Next Gen as the first. I loved it so much, for a punishment my mom wouldn't ground ground me, she just wouldn't let me watch the show. (actual tears in protest)

Then there was the X-files. Way too many handsome men for one show. And the fiction!! ~swoons~

Now, SGA. I was never really a fan of SG1, but many good things!

I am going to list the things I love about the show, then the things that bug me.

I want to know what you love/hate about the show.


A diverse cast/character base for the show. Its not all american military like SG1. The people on the show, even the secondary characters have idiosyncrasies, and bits of back stories.

The plots twine together, one leading into another episodes, even those in other seasons! that shape the overall outlook of the show.

David Hewlett, David Hewlett, David Hewlett. Nothing more is needed.


As an emergency medical professional, I get quite irritated with shoddy medical science on TV.  Writers, directors and actors all share the responsibility. When they get things wrong that a six hour first aid course would correct...grrr. And, if they wish to use equipment (ECG/EKG) that they are unfamiliar with, call the set medic, I know they have them. They would be more than happy to show them the correct placement of the leads. When you do and do not defribulate a patient (shock them with the paddles)  Everything from patient approach to treatment. However I do have to say it have improved in season two. Most notably, Carson's Stethoscope. Season one, so cheap you couldn't give it away and no dr. would be caught dead with. Season two, very cool.
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