The night From Hell.

Nov 28, 2005 19:26

My eight year record has been broken...well, more like shattered.
Last night I got food poisoning. Acute food poisoning. What does that mean you ask?
It means I broke my eight year record of not vomiting. 
And boy oh boy, did I ever vomit. It was not a pretty sight.
I'm at work, and then Im useless for the rest of the night. And now that I think about it, most of the day as well.
As I was sleeping I kept dreaming about food, and then waking up  from the food nightmares, thinking I can't dream of this stuff, I was freaking me out.
However, now I am feeling much better, if a little delicate.

Slash Rec of the Day:

Title: A Beautiful Lifetime Event
Author: shalott
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis  
Pairing: Rodney/John  
Summary: Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.

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