(no subject)

Feb 06, 2003 12:13

I didn't realize how long it had been that i've written in this dumb journal. No one reads it anyway. I can't help it if i have nothing interesting to write about except my crush *sigh*.. I don't want to be silly like this but i can't help it. I find myself dressing a little nicer(or at least trying to anyway) and the worst part is this person probably doesnt' even notice.. this sux! You would think i would be overjoyed to sit in back of him but of course being me.. i hate it because i can't even get up the courage to start a coverstaion. I don't know why i'm like that; once i get the chance to talk to someone i actually like i don't take it...
Maybe this short term of lonliness will go away soon....I hope.
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